Principal's Report 

External Validation Success

A huge congratulations to the Boambee Public School community. Yesterday, Boambee Public School was validated as excelling in 10 out of 14 areas of the School Excellence Framework.   


You should all be very proud of what we have achieved as a school community. Over the past three years, during the biggest challenges anyone could imagine, Boambee Public School has continued to excel. 


This success is a result of all of the following factors coming together:

  1. Great teaching
  2. Great kids 
  3. A clear vision, focused on quality teaching and the wellbeing of our students, implemented by quality school leadership 
  4. Caring and thoughtful families who value education and take ownership of their children's success 

The potential validation levels are:

Lowest                                                        Highest 

Working Towards Delivering


Sustaining and Growing


Boambee Public Schools results from external validation: 


What is External Validation?

The process of External Validation begins with the school collecting evidence of our work over a 4 year period. The evidence is then annotated in line with the School Excellence Framework and submitted to a panel. 


The submission is about 60 pages in length and the panel is made up of our Director and three other Principal Schools Leaders (PSL's). All of our executive staff sat in on our meeting, which meant we had 10 people as part of the External Validation panel meeting yesterday.


Within the 3 hour meeting the team determine the results listed above. We then determine our next strategic actions as a school. Within the coming weeks I will share our next steps with our school community. 

Mother's Day Breakfast 

We are all looking forward to seeing you on Friday morning when we will celebrate Mother's Day with our school community. 

Mother's Day Stall

Please remember to organise cash for your children on Thursday May 11, when the Mother's Day stall will be held. Gifts are $5, $8 and $10 each. Classes will be taken down throughout the day by their class teachers. Students who are buying more than one gift will have the opportunity to purchase a second gift after all other students have purchased their first gift. The stall will also be open on Friday for anyone who missed out. 


ANZAC Day March 


Sincere thanks to the families and staff who attended the ANZAC Day March at the start of term. We were all so proud to see our community together, marching on this important day to honour those who served, are serving, or have been affected by combat. 


Several members of our community who marched wore medals that have been handed down through their families, we want to share their stories. 

Josephine Zariquiey was marching in honour of her great-grandfather Mervyn Maurice Blyth and his brother Arthur “Tas” Blyth (2/18th Australian Infantry Battalion WWII). Captured by the Japanese army in the Fall of Singapore (Feb 1942) and both surviving Prisoners of War, Changi prison (September, 1945). 


Josie also marched in honour of Mervyn and Maurice Blyth (Killed in action in Northern France, WW1 as young men). These were the brothers of Josie’s great-great grandfather (great-great uncles). ANZAC Day is an extremely important day for our family and her grandfather John Blyth and his six siblings march in Sydney with the 2/18th Battalion each year. 


Lilah Green is wearing her great pop's medals, his name was Robert Leslie Ball, born in 1922. Robert was a Sergeant-Major, Warrant Officer Class Two (WO2). He drove for the Queen in December 1951 and served in Papa New Guinea and Hiroshima.


Lee Dawson (our GA at Boambee Public School) is wearing his grandfather's medals. Lee's grandfather served at Gallipoli with the 5th Light horse Regiment. He later joined the Imperial Camel Corps and was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal for Gallantry.


Principal Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly.


Lucy Spencer: Lucy approaches all learning with focus and determination to improve.


Jax Ackery: Jax displays a determined attitude to all his learning.

Declaration for Child Related Work

It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.