Learning and Teaching

Term 2 Assemblies
This term, each Hub group will host a school assembly to share a snapshot of learning and acknowledge other celebrations and events in the school.
We will be running assemblies at school on the following dates:
Friday’s 2.40-3.10 durings Weeks 3, 6 and 9.
P-2 Children: Friday 12th May – 2.40pm 3.10pm
3-4 Children: Friday 2nd June – 2.40pm 3.10pm
5-6 Children: Week 9 (last week of school) Date and time TBC
Families are welcome to join our assemblies!
If you are joining St Stephen’s assemblies, please arrive via Office.
If you are joining St Gabriel’s assemblies, please arrive via Olive St Gate and head to 3-6 Hub.
Last Sunday, Bishop Terry Curtin celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with our Year 6 students. It was a lovely celebration. Congratulations to our newly Confirmed Year 6 students!
Curriculum Overviews
Last week, you would have received your child’s Curriculum Overview for Term 2. These overviews provide you with the intended outcomes of what your children will be focusing on at school across all areas. Please read these thoroughly so that you have a clear understanding on what is being uncovered and so that you can engage in dialogue with your child about their learning at school.
Mid-Semester Reports
At the end of this Term, your child’s Semester 1 Report will be emailed to you. This is an overview of your child's learning throughout the school year and is presented in a variety of formats. This report is one way of reporting your child's progression.
Our other formats include:
- Seesaw learning / evidence portfolio (ongoing evidence)
- Parent Teacher interviews / Learning Conversations (Term 1 & 3)
- Every student must be taught and assessed at their point of need on the continuum of learning and this is reported in relation to the age expected level.
- For all other subjects, the learning is constructed in two year bands of content with Achievement Standards at the end of the two year band.
Our intention is to have these reports emailed to you by Thursday 22nd June.
Planet Earth and Beyond
We are excited to have immersed our children into our concepts of CHANGE, CYCLES, and PERSPECTIVES through our sixth project ‘Planet Earth and Beyond’. Our school has been filled with curiosities, wonder, and awe as we begin to explore the earth and space sciences.
Ask your children: What changes do you think happen on our planet or in space? What exists beyond our planet into our Solar System? What does it mean to look after our planet? If you were standing on the moon and you looked back at Earth, what would you see/notice/feel?
We are very excited to announce that our 5/6 students are enrolled to participate in Wakakirri 2023. The Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival is a national program that helps schools develop student engagement and wellbeing through participation in the performing arts. An emphasis is placed on creative movement and drama rather than technical dance. Emphasis is also placed on creative storytelling and sustainability, not expensive and extravagant productions. Rehearsals will begin next week and run for the whole of Term 2, we will be working with a Wakakirri facilitator named Jason Teasdale. Children will be performing on stage at The Clocktower in Moonee Ponds at the beginning of August. We will keep you updated on our progress and information as it comes to hand.
In Maths the children will be learning to represent and solve addition problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning, rearranging part, using numberlines and many more.
What is Partition?
A partition is part of a whole. The whole can be split in different ways. For example: 2+3=5 or 3+2=5.
Once children have an understanding of addition using part, part, whole then children can better understand subtraction. For example: 5-3=2 and 5-2=3.