Scotsburn News

Important Dates
Scotsburn Assemblies | Friday 5th May Friday 19th May Friday 2nd June Friday 16th June |
SC1 Puppet Incursion at Buninyong all day | Monday 8th May |
SC1 to visit Buninyong Kindergarten | Tuesday 9th May |
Mothers’ Day Stall (at Buninyong) | Friday 12th May |
Division Cross Country | Friday 12th May |
VSSS Rehearsal Days | Friday 12th May Friday 16th June |
5/6 Division Sports Day | Wednesday 17th May |
Report Writing Day (student free day) | Thursday 1st June |
King’s Birthday (student free day) | Monday 12th June |
School Reports available on Compass | Friday 16th June |
Parent Teacher Interviews | Wednesday 21st June Thursday 22nd June |
Whole School Assembly | Friday 26th May Friday 23rd June |
Welcome back everyone! From all of the Scotsburn staff, we hope that you all had a wonderful break and were able to spend some time with loved ones. We have all been so impressed with the way that everyone has returned from the break, full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to learn. We can’t wait to share in all the fun and excitement of Term 2 with our students.
Thank you again Scotsburn community for your continued support and assistance with all aspects of the campus. We certainly do feel very lucky to be a part of such an amazing community.
Buninyong Primary School Cross Country Day
Here are a couple more photos from our Cross Country day last term…
Toastie Tuesday
Toastie Tuesdays kick back off this week, so don’t forget to bring your dollar each week for a cheese or vegemite and cheese toastie!
Scotsburn Breakfast Club
After consultation with our parent committee and students last term, we have decided to begin a breakfast club. We would like to give the opportunity to students to have a little extra to eat in the mornings should they wish, as well as provide another opportunity for some community connection. The program will be free of charge for all students and families, with us running it one day per week to begin. As we get into a routine, we will look to expand to more days per week.
Keep in your diary that each Thursday will be Breakfast Club day, from 8.30am in the old building!
Bulldogs Read Program
Last Friday, James in SC3 had another opportunity to participate in the Bulldogs Read Program. Last week, they went to the Sebastopol Library where James was able to explore the library and borrow some books. He is absolutely loving the program and it is so wonderful to see students passionate about reading. Keep up the great work James!
Scotsburn Assembly this Friday
This Friday we will have our first assembly for the term at Scotsburn, in the shed at 9.10am. We would love to see as many parents there as possible! Feel free also to hang around in the old building after assembly for a warm drink and a chat. See you there.
Mothers Day Stall at Buninyong
Next Friday (12th May) we will have our Mother’s Day Stall. This year, we will start the day at Buninyong and attend the stall there. This will also provide us with the opportunity to use the gym, visit the library and spend some time with the Buninyong students. We will then bus back up to Scotsburn at recess.
There will be lots more information in next week’s newsletter about the stall as well as in other sections of this newsletter.
Mothers’ Day Afternoon Tea
With it becoming a bit of a tradition over the past few years, we will be hosting another Mothers’ Day Afternoon Tea celebration for all of our mothers and special friends. The afternoon will take place the day after Mother’s Day, Monday 15th May. All mums and special friends should hope to receive their personal invitation from their child in the coming days. We would love all mums and special friends to come and attend between the time of 2:30pm and 3:15pm, with food and hot drinks provided.
What: Scotsburn Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea
When: Monday 9th May
Where: Scotsburn Cafe (shed)
Time: 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Author Study
Last week students participated in a whole school Author Study with our author in focus being Claire Saxby. Claire is a famous Australian author who has written some wonderful nonfiction story books around Australian history and its involvement in world wars - making a great connection to ANZAC Day and its significance. Students were immersed in many of her titles and different genres throughout the week and they were able to gain a deep understanding and connection through illustrations and text.
We look forward to sharing with you all in the coming weeks, some highlights from our Claire Saxby author study.
SC1 Learning Snapshot
We hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. It has been wonderful to see how excited and settled students were returning to school. We have started off the term with our Claire Saxby Author Study. Students loved the many genres and illustrations that we explored in not only our classrooms but the connections that were made in our Specialist areas of Art and Japanese as well. On Monday we read ANZAC Bully, one of Claire's famous non-fiction story books. We looked at the meaning of ANZAC Day and were able to reflect on what special items we would send our loved ones in a billy can. Students loved creating their responses to Claire’s book ‘Whisper in the Wind’, creating their dream in a bottle. We look forward to sharing these with you at assembly this week.
In Maths we are learning about addition. We have explored the everyday language used when we are referring to combining a collection or creating a bigger number. We will continue to learn about strategies that help us add, such as counting on from the biggest number and increasing automatic recall of addition facts.
Shadow Puppetry Incursion
Next Monday 8th May, all SC1 students will need to be dropped off at the Buninyong Campus at 8:45am in the courtyard and collected from the Buninyong Campus at 3:25pm. As part of our termly inquiry, students will be involved in a puppet making activity run by ‘A Black Canvas’.
Buninyong Kindergarten Visit
Next Tuesday 9th May, SC1 will be visiting the Buninyong Kindergarten as part of our ongoing partnership and transition program with them. Students will need to be dropped off at the Buninyong Campus at 8:45am, and meet Mrs. Anderson in the courtyard. We will walk to the Buninyong kinder and spend some time playing and sharing with the students some of the exciting things about school. We will then be picked up by bus and will return to the Scotsburn Campus at around 11am. Students will need to be picked up as normal at the Scotsburn Campus.
We are looking forward to another exciting term!
Ana and Kirsty
SC2 Learning Snapshot
What a start it has been for SC2! Kicking off week one with our author study, students immersed themselves into the work of Claire Saxby. With an ANZAC theme, students created a character profile for Weary Dunlop (see below), using some beautiful adjectives and wonderful illustrations.
SC2 hosted SC3 in a market-like scene where they were able to present their cereal boxes to our SC3 students. SC3 provided some very positive feedback for the students and it was amazing to see how confident SC2 students were in explaining the details of their cereal boxes, persuading the older students to want to buy it for themselves! Well done to all students who participated, it was truly warming to see how well that session ran itself with the great maturity shown by all.
Above all, SC2 reached their class goal of 1,000 points! Students spent Friday afternoon celebrating their achievements with some hot chips!
Have a great week everyone!
SC3 Learning Snapshot
Welcome back SC3, I hope you all had an awesome break! It was amazing to see everyone in class return with such energy and enthusiasm. We had quite a busy week to kick things off, with our Claire Saxby author study, commencement of the Blue Light Dash program, and the introduction of our inquiry unit, Destination Diversity!
In our first Dash Program session, students workshopped what the term ‘community’ means to them and the importance of strong communities. They also were introduced to important members of the local community and had the opportunity to participate in an open forum with them. Students also worked in teams to create spaghetti towers, identifying the importance of strong planning, communication and teamwork. It was a lot of fun!
Last week, we also had the opportunity to finalise our Solar Boat Challenge work. Teams completed their presentations, where they were assessed against a criteria focussing on presentation, content and team work. These scores were put with their race results from last term, for an overall result. In a very close finish, the Pink Pearls took out first place. Everyone did an amazing job with their presentations and should be very proud!
Have another super week everyone!
Specialists Learning Snapshot
At the end of last term, SC1 students completed their self-portraits in Art, which we created over the top of our Joan Blond- inspired abstract-impressionist backgrounds. Last week, students worked with のりこ せんせい (Noriko Sensei) to record their voices over a moving image of their self portrait. This was an assessment piece to wrap up our self introduction unit, as we will be moving on to discussing colours and likes/dislikes this term.
Please enjoy this draft video of the students’ work- we still have some more to add to it when のりこ せんせい is next here and I will then produce the final version of our video.
Author Study
Last week’s Author Study was a great opportunity to bring literature into Art and Japanese classes. We were able to continue our investigation into tonal values in SC3 and SC2 through examining the illustrations in “Meet Weary Dunlop” and were impressed by the strong use of contrasting light and shade used by illustrator Jeremy Lord. Students practised their ability to create light and dark tonal values with a single pencil in response to our discussions. We look forward to finishing them off!
Big Red kangaroo was a great opportunity to discuss and review the words Ookii and Chiisai (Big and Small) and also review some colours. We returned to reading a text in Hiragana called “you are not small” and last years’ SC2 students showed such wonderful memory when they decoded this text. We completed a worksheet requiring SC2 and 3 students to translate the title of Big Red Kangaroo and challenged each other to name variations such as small blue duck (Chiisai ao ahiru) and big yellow horse (Ookii kiiro uma)etc.
SC1 students used illustrator Graham Bryne’s wonderful pastel drawings to inspire exploration of mark-making techniques. They then used the experimental mark page to inspire them to make decisive marks as they created an outback sunset scene.
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Anderson:
Mr Walsh:
Mrs Robinson:
Mrs Morgan:
Ms Middlin:
The Scotsburn Team