Engagement & Wellbeing

A few reminders to start the term…
Staying COVID Safe
COVIDSafe measures have changed but all Victorian government schools are required to continue to implement important practices to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
We are continuing to take the important steps of ensuring air purifiers are in use, external ventilation is maximised, good personal hygiene is encouraged and face masks continue to be made available for staff, students and visitors who wish to wear them.
Please note that any students who are symptomatic with cold or flu like symptoms should not attend school and it’s recommended they undergo testing for COVID-19.
Should students become unwell during the school day parents will be asked to collect their child from school and to keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.
It is recommended that rapid antigen tests (RATs) are used by students:
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19 infection, no matter how mild
- If you are a household or close contact of someone who has COVID-19
- If you are a social contact of someone who has COVID-19.
Rapid Antigen Test are available for all Victorians from Council sites. People can get 2 free packs (10 tests) for themselves and 2 free packs (10 tests) for each of their household members. Further information can be obtained at Council Rapid Antigen Test Program.
Thanks to everyone for helping to keep our school community healthy, particularly as we head into the winter months where illness is often more prevalent.
Anaphylaxis and food safety
We take student and staff safety extremely seriously. We have several children and staff who have severe and potentially life-threatening allergies to certain foods.
Whilst we don’t have a blanket ban on any foods at school, some classrooms will have restrictions in place to help keep everyone safe. Classes with students who have allergies will provide detailed information to their class about foods to be avoided in those rooms.
Supervised inside eating is another strategy we use at school to help keep students safe.
We do urge you to consider that at this age, most children are not able to recognise the extreme consequences of sharing food or not washing their hands properly. Please ensure you speak to your own child/ren about food safety and make informed choices when packing lunch boxes.
Please give your child’s teacher advance notice if you plan to bring any food into the classroom to share for celebrations, etc. All food must have a list of ingredients so that we can help to keep everyone safe.
We thank you for your assistance with this.
Head Lice
We often receive reports from parents about head lice. Just like catching a cold, anyone can get head lice. While annoying, they are very common in school-aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. They have survived living solely on humans for 10,000 years (it never ends!).
Please be vigilant against these critters and check your child/ren’s hair regularly, particularly behind the ears and neck.
If you are unlucky enough to come across lice in your child’s hair, please let the school office or your teacher know so they can put out the anonymous alerts. This is important to help eradicate them from the classroom.
Children with head lice are not permitted to attend school until the day after appropriate treatment has started.
We are aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and Buninyong PS is committed to maintaining your confidentiality. Please rest assured that head lice can (and does!) happen to anyone.
The Victorian Department of Health provides a handy website to help parents manage head lice and we appreciate your support with this.
School Volunteers - Working with Children Check Required
Please remember that to volunteer in classrooms, attend excursions or camps you will need to have a valid Working with Children Check on file at school.
They are valid for 5 years and are free for volunteers to apply for. You can apply, renew and check your existing status by visiting https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/ .
Once your card arrives, bring it to the school office where the staff will take a copy and add you to our WWCC register.
Wearing of Correct School Uniform
We appreciate the efforts you have made to ensure all students are wearing uniform items that comply with our school uniform guidelines, which can be found below.
Staff will be following up with families as needed to support the wearing of correct uniforms. If for any reason, there is an occasion where your child/ren are not wearing correct uniform (life happens!) please let your class teacher know by sending a quick message or call the office.
There is assistance available for families if needed to assist in purchasing school items, including uniform, through the Ballarat Foundation’s Voucher Program. Please contact Narelle Sullivan (narelle.sullivan@education.vic.gov.au) or the school office to access these vouchers. All correspondence remains strictly confidential.
Our uniform shop is fully stocked for over the counter and online sales. You can order and pay via QKR and your child can collect from the school office. If you call through to the office, delivery to their classroom can also be arranged.
Your help in ensuring that all students are in correct uniform is appreciated. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any further questions.