Physical Education & Sport
What a start to Term 2 in Physical Education at Grayling!
Students from Prep - 2 have been focusing on their Fundamental Motor Skills catch and throw. In grade 3-6, students are developing and refining their sports specific skills in basketball focusing on passing, dribbling and shooting.
In the past week we have had multiple events including our first ever Grayling Athletics Carnival. Students demonstrated great sportsmanship throughout the day and resilience to continue through the ups and downs of the weather. Students will be selected from this carnival to participate in the District Athletics in Term 3. The house winner and age champions will be announced in the next assembly.
Lastly, on Thursday the 4th of May Grayling Primary School attended the annual District Cross Country, sending 48 students to compete against schools within our district. Our students gave their best efforts and made us proud! We had the following students finish in the top 10;
- Ineth – 10th place
- Janice – 6th Place
- Roderick – 1st place
- Makai – 7th place
- Nived – 9th place
A massive congratulations and good luck to these students who have progressed to Divisional Cross Country which will be held on May the 31st.