Grade 5 - 6
Grade 5 6 students have explored the different language features included in persuasive texts for the first two weeks of term 2. They have compared a variety of persuasive texts, analysing the differences in structures and persuasive devices used. Students have interpreted these persuasive devices used by different authors and have debated and decided which authors and persuasive texts were the most effective in their opinion. They have been utilising a range of comprehension skills to dissect these persuasive texts, doing an amazing job!
Students have been focusing on writing persuasive texts. They have been analysing language, overall persuasive text structure and paragraph structures that lead to writing effective persuasive texts. They have been exploring the PEEL paragraph structure and learning how each of these components create a strong persuasive paragraph. Students have also been given chances to creatively write, drawing on new knowledge they learnt over the year and their own passions and interests to create writing pieces such as comic strips, poetry and narratives.
During the first week of term, grade 5/6 students focused on imperative life numeracy skills, rounding and estimating. Rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand and hundred thousand, students were then able to create close estimates to solve a range of numerical problems. During the second week of term, grade 5/6 students then focused on perimeter and area. They have learnt a range of skills during this measurement and geometry unit such as, measuring the perimeter of a range of shapes, the formula to find the area of squares and rectangles, breaking adapted rectangles into multiple squares or rectangles and using known formulas to then find their area.
Grade 5/6 students discussed their different experiences and learning of the ANZACS, ANZAC day and the importance of this commemorative day. A major focus this year for our Grade ⅚ students for ANZAC day, was learning and remembering the efforts and challenges indigenous Australians faced during the World Wars, while also celebrating the incredible contributions of our indigenous soldiers.
Cross Country District
After some stellar performances from our Grade 5/6 students during our school cross country, multiple students were selected to compete in District Athletics. It is fair to say, the stellar performances continued at District Athletics! All selected students put in an amazing effort with a handful of students being selected to compete in the next round of cross country as they finished in the top ten in the race. Doing us all proud Grayling Kids!
Athletics Carnival
2023 marks the year of Graylings inaugural athletics day! Students right from prep to 6 competed in track and field events. Not only did they put in amazing efforts, they also battled some bad weather to see the day through! Some new school records were also set from our Grade 5/6 cohort, with many students selected to compete in district athletics!