Grade 2
Athletics Day
Mrs Schache, Miss Dodds, Miss Thornton, Mrs Bell, Mr Hallett and Miss McKell would like to express how PROUD we were of all the Grade 2 students on Tuesday at Athletics! Although it was a long day for the children, the level of participation and encouragement across the entire cohort was outstanding! Well done Grade 2’s!
In writing, students have begun learning about persuasive writing. Last week, the Grade 2’s were led to believe the principals had made the decision to cancel their specialist classes. They then used their growing knowledge of the OREO structure (opinion, reasons, explanations and restated opinion), along with persuasive devices, including personal pronouns and rhetorical questions, to create a persuasive text convincing the principals not to cancel ART, STEM and PE. Students also focused on editing their work, correcting and checking for capital letters and full stops to improve their writing.
In reading, students have been studying persuasive texts to assist them in further understanding the structure in order to improve their persuasive writing. The grade 2’s have also explored the difference between what is a fact and what is an opinion, as well as reading punctuation carefully including matching their voices to suit the texts.
Reminder: All grade 2 students bring home a levelled book each night to read and swap the next day. Please ensure you are signing your child’s take home reader log once they have read each night.
Last week for maths the grade 2’s explored their skip counting skills. Students used number lines and number charts to assist them in counting by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s.
This week in maths, students have been investigating the chance of events happening. They learnt to identify what events, WILL happen, MIGHT happen and WON’T happen. The grade 2’s then explored the likelihood of activities happening using the terms LIKELY, UNLIKELY, CERTAIN and IMPOSSIBLE. One of the activities the students got to participate in to further develop their understanding of chance, was pulling out M&M’s from a packet and analysing the probability!
For humanities, the grade 2’s have been learning the location of Australia. To do this, students have been labelling the continents, hemispheres and oceans of the world on a world map. The grade 2’s have also had the opportunity to use the Google Earth App on the iPads, to locate Australia and other countries their families are from.
Mother’s Day
Next week we are celebrating Mother’s Day. On Wednesday the 10th and Thursday the 11th of May, students will have the opportunity to visit our Mother’s Day stall to purchase 1 gift for their special someone. The prices will vary from $1 - $10. You might like to pack a shopping bag in your child’s school bag on these days so they can bring their gift home and keep it hidden until Sunday!
On Friday the 12th of May from 2pm to 3pm, the school is holding a Mother’s Day afternoon. We invite Mums, Grandmas, Nannas, Carers or a special someone to visit your child in their learning community to complete a fun activity together!