Wellbeing - Jazmin Pursell

Happy end of Term 1 JFC families,
I hope you and your students have had a good start to the school year. I just wanted to share some resources and updates for you before we enter into the school holidays around the importance of taking care of our own and our young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
Seasons for Growth peer support program coming to JFC!
The Seasons for Growth Children and Young People's Program is a small group program (4-7 students) delivered over 4-8 sessions.
The topics covered in each session of the program include:
• Seasons and Change (autumn)
• My story and grief reactions (winter)
• Feelings and memories (spring)
• Choices and moving forward (summer)
As the name ‘Seasons for Growth’ implies, the different seasons of the year provide a way of:
- Exploring the impact of change and loss
- Learning about effective ways to respond and adapt
Seasons for Growth programs have been shown to be a very effective education intervention. The program does not provide counselling or psychotherapy.
If you would like to nominate a student to participate in the program, please complete the Express of Interest Form via https://forms.office.com/r/bZBYpuzrjF
Please note, that this is an expression of interest form and not a consent for a student to participate.
Once this form is completed, contact will occur with you and the student to see whether the student is appropriate for the program.
Islam and help-seeking for Mental Health:
I came across a short 3 minute video on the importance of taking care of your mental health as a Muslim.
If you would like to learn more the importance of taking care of your own and your student’s mental health, there are plenty of excellent resources available for you at the Centre of Muslim Wellbeing: About – Centre for Muslim Wellbeing (cmw.org.au)
There is also information on the Centre of Muslim Wellbeing website with a list of Muslim professionals where you can seek mental health support if you are wanting to speak to a professional with a shared religious understanding.
Hayat Line:
A dedicated phone counselling crisis line for Muslims. Telephone crisis line (open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm AEST) at 1300 993 398
Hayat Line is a free and confidential crisis support line for Muslims in Australia supporting individuals when experiencing a personal crisis or emotional distress. Hayat Line provides emotional support for suicide prevention with compassion, connection, rahma, nasihah, and hope.
For Year 10 families (MAPSS program):
I wanted to remind you all that the MAPSS program is commencing in Term 2. Information has been sent via COMPASS and paper consent forms sent home via your students.
MAPSS (Multimodal Approach to Preventing Suicide in School) is a research project run by Orygen, the University of Melbourne, and the Department of Education. John Fawkner College are taking part in the project in 2023 and all Year 10 students are invited to participate.
Youth suicide is a very important public health issue facing our young people today and Year 10 aged students have been identified as having a higher likelihood of mental health distress and suicide is a leading cause of death in adolescents in the age group of aged 15 years +.
There is a video below that explains more about the program if you have not already seen it.
https://youtu.be/wwINhXN-Bn0 The project aims to increase young people’s help seeking behaviours and reduce suicide risk. There are two parts to the project. The first is an educational suicide prevention training program called safeTALK that is delivered to all students. The second is an online program called Reframe IT, which is designed specifically to support young people experiencing low mood or thoughts of suicide. Participation in MAPSS will involve the following:
- Initial assessment session on 05/06/23
- 3.5 hour safeTALK training and second assessment session on 20/06/23
- Eligible students randomised to Reframe IT program complete 8 Weekly sessions starting 23/06/23
- Third assessment session on 22/08/23
- Final assessment session on 21/11/23
A member of the school's wellbeing team and teaching staff will be present during the abovementioned sessions if any students require additional support.
A big thank you to all the parents who have already provided consent for their student’s participation and a reminder to return the consent forms (or provide consent online via COMPASS) as soon as possible.
I do currently have Arabic and Samoan translated versions of the MAPSS consent forms. Please advise me if you would like a translated copy. I am also able to request other language translations, if you let me know to organise this for your family.
Please contact me via email or phone with any questions you may have.
Wishing you positive wellbeing over the holidays.
Jazmin Pursell
Social Worker & Mental Health Practitioner
(Available days: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday-during school terms only)