Year 9 Coordinator

During this term, the Hindu Festival of Holi was celebrated by some of our JFC students. This festival celebrates the beginning of Spring and also Good triumphing over evil.
In 9/10 Food Theory this term, we have explored Obesity in the 21st century by watching a documentary called Supersize Me. The documentary follows a man who ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and the impact it had on his health.
In prac, students have been following recipes and safe food hygiene processes to make some delicious foods.
In Auslan for Term 1, students have been learning about famous Deaf/ Blind author and disability rights advocate Helen Keller and her life and journey of becoming Deaf and Blind at age 18months due to illness.
The picture show students learning to Tactile Sign for communication as the Deaf/Blind community do.
Sharnie Gibbs
Year 9 Coordinator