Year 10 Imunisations

The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines to all eligible Year 10 students for Meningococcal ACWY.
The Meri-Bek council immunisation service delivers the school-based immunisation program.
Students in year 10 will be given consent forms to bring home in week 1 of term 2. The forms must be completed by parents/guardians and must be returned to the school by Monday 1st May.
The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 authorises secondary schools to provide their local council with student and parent/guardian contact information for any student scheduled to receive a vaccination. This information is only used to assist local councils to follow-up parents/guardians of students with incomplete or missing imunisation consent forms.
The school provides the following basic student and parent/guardian contact information to Meri-Bek council immunisation service:
- student name
- date of birth
- gender
- year level and class group
- parent/guardian contact details
- language(s) spoken at home.
What you need to do:
- Complete the immunisation form (sent home with your chid)
- Return the form by Monday 1/5/23
- Your information will be provided to Meri-Bek Council this month. If you do not wish for your details to be provided, please advise the school in writing before 8/5/2023.