Performing Arts

Pulse Alive
On Friday March 10th, students from our extra-curricular dance and choir groups performed at Pulse Alive. This is a large scaled event held at Ken Rosewall Arena at Olympic Park involving over 5000 students. It is an arena spectacular similar to School Spectacular showcasing NSW Public School talent in various artforms including dancing, singing, music, drama etc.
To be involved, students committed to learning choreography and songs over the holidays with only one combined rehearsal in week 4 (choir) and 5 (dance). The next rehearsal was on the day of the performance where it all comes together.
To say we had a good time was an understatement. It is so good to see students back on the stage/floor doing what they love and making memories to last a life time.
A big thank you to Mr Swindells for your dedication to the choir, Julie Moon our Student Support Officer for accompanying us on the day/night and our dedicated bus driver Mr Roberts. Your support is very much appreciated.
Well done to all involved.
Dance Group
The end of Term 1 was a very busy time for our dance groups. This year, we have formed one dance group combining all students from within the school. Our combined mainstream and support dance group have been working hard to prepare for Dance Festival auditions. Pending successful auditions, the group will perform the piece ‘Playing to Win’ in term two at a regional dance festival. Stay tuned for updates. This is a wonderful step in the direction of inclusion for our school. Thank you to Ms Pinder for your work and continued support of the dance group.
We have also auditioned and second piece of contemporary genre inspired by the theme of deforestation and the impact this is having on earth.
Aboriginal Dance Workshop
Students participated in a one-day Aboriginal Dance Workshop held by the Arts Unit in collaboration with the internationally renowned Bangarra Dance Company at Rooty Hill High School on the 21st February. Students had the opportunity to learn more about their culture and were taught cultural dance repertoire by industry professionals. It was a great day which culminated in the workshop being showcased on ABC news that evening. A big thank you to our ever-reliable bus driver Mr Roberts for transporting the student to and from the workshop.
School Spectacular
Video auditions and applications have been submitted for this years School Spectacular which is celebrating 40 years. We have auditioned for the Combined Dance, D-ARTS, Aboriginal Ensemble and for the first time the Combined Choir sections of the show. Our fingers are crossed we can once again be a part of this amazing show.
Ms Cattanach