Deputy Matters

Hello everyone,
We have come to the end of another eventful term! I hope all our students, families and staff have had a positive experience during Term 1. It’s always a pleasure seeing students adapt to their new classroom, teacher, and friends. Beginning a new academic year is a significant moment for a young person and their families. Our year 7’s transitioned well into high school and year 11’s settled well into stage 6 courses. Thanks to parents, families and carers who played a huge role in assisting the school achieve a good start to the year. Thank you to the year advisors Ms Encina and Ms Fioramonte for your dedication and hard work for our students.
Our teachers, aim to provide learning opportunities not only based on content but also on social, emotional, and critical thinking skills. Our approach is to enable students to make better choices and be responsible for their own behaviours. As we approach term 2, I would encourage every student to focus on their studies and complete all course work and assessment tasks to the best of their ability on time.
I also encourage the parents to support the school by ensuring students come to school on time everyday and in full school uniform.
Have a wonderful break and looking forward to seeing you all in term 2.
Mr A. Narayan
Deputy Principal