Remote Learning Updates
All students have been joining in a variety of activities; singing, dancing and practising rhythms. Grades 3-6 have also experimented with beat boxing and making their own music on Garage Band.
Foundation to Grade 3/4 have been learning about Euros and going shopping. Grade 3/4 continued on with the Tour of Italy game and Grades 3-6 are writing stories about visiting another city in Italy. I am very much looking forward to seeing all the exciting places they are going to visit.
Foundation students have been completing some great pieces of work in their learning of about the word Amen.
1/2 Unit
A huge congratulations to all 1/2 students, parents and friends for your efforts during our Remote Learning this term. It has been rewarding, productive and challenging, but overall very positive. Thank-you for your persistence, resilience and striving to do your best. It is greatly appreciated.
Lately in our Literacy we have been focusing on our reading comprehension and inferring skills. In our writing, we have continued to look at Procedural text. Last week we wrote a Procedure on how to build and design our own cushion forts.
In Maths we have continued to work through our booklets focusing on our Addition and Subtraction skills. As our maths project, we did some Lego Investigations! We built a Lego Wall that needed to adhere to the challenge requirements. We needed to use lots of number skills to work out how many studs were in each wall.
It was great seeing everyone check-in from their cushion/cubby forts last week!
Have a wonderful school holidays with your families and see you back on board in term 4!
Kind regards, 1/2 Team.
Katy Dundon
Jessie Simpson
Andrew Nilbett
Melissa Connors
Nikki Littlewood
3/4 Unit
Another 2 weeks have flown by during remote learning! The Grade 3/4 students have been very busy. The students have been conducting science experiments, creating lots of different craft projects and enjoying the new season of Spring! They have also been learning about some of Jesus’ parables and thinking about what they mean to us in 2020. As always, the teachers are so impressed by their resilience, hard work, and technology skills! We are so excited to see you back online for 1 more week next term and then back into our classrooms. We hope you all have restful holidays and come back into Term 4 ready to finish the year with a bang!
Here are some examples of Spring poems, parable reflections, science experiments, and Spring craft.
Senior Learning
Exciting? Different? Challenging? Are all word that express our feelings and thoughts as we come to the end of Term Three. It is a time we will never forget. We miss our friends and, yes, we miss school.
We have been working hard on Desert Projects in Geography and in Religious Education we have polished off a piece of work on Discovering Our Christian Heritage. In English we have been exploring picture poetry, rhyming phrases and common phrases. Here are some examples of our work.
We have been creating pictographs – can you guess these well know phrases?
We look forward to holidays and coming back to school next term. Stay safe. Be happy. Enjoy life.