Decision Making | Will continue to be informed by: - Victorian Government, Catholic Education Commission Victoria, Catholic Education Office Sandhurst
- School COVID Safe Plan
- Relevant School Risk Assessments
Visitors | - Parents/carers are unable to enter school grounds
- Please phone the office for all enquiries or email your child’s teacher
Illness | - Students feeling unwell must not attend school under any circumstance
- If your child presents as unwell or is unwell during the day, they will need to be isolated at school and a parent/carer will be called
Morning Drop-Off 8:30am onwards | - Staff member on Yard Duty at the front of school (Hogan Street) to support students in walking into school
- Students can also walk into school from Hunter Street
- We cannot have any students onsite before 8:30am unless they are in Before School Care
Afternoon Pick-Up 3:20pm onwards | - Students will be dismissed at 3:20pm
- Classes to stagger leaving their classroom to minimise traffic flow exiting school
- Year 5/6 students will exit between the Mercy Centre and Church
- Students are able to exit via Hunter Street and are encouraged to do so to lessen the amount of traffic on Hogan Street
- Please ensure your child knows where you will be
- Parents/Carers to remain behind signs placed outside the front of school to allow free movement of students exiting school gate
- Staff members on Yard Duty to support students exiting school
- Parents/Carers are not to use school pick-up as a chance to gather together – Normal social distancing expectations apply
- Parents/Carers are unable to enter school grounds
- Children may walk or ride to school as normal and must exit the school ground through Hunter Street
- Bus is normal time
- We cannot have any students onsite after 3:30pm unless they are in After School Care
Recess and Lunch Time | - Units will be allocated specific play areas
Before and After School Care | - Before School Care is available between 7:30am - 8:30am
- After School Care is available between 3:20pm - 6pm
- We cannot have any students onsite before 8:30am or after 3:30pm unless they are booked in for Before or After School Care
Masks | - Masks for students remains at the parent/carers discretion
- Teachers may need to ask a student to remove the mask during learning time
Drink Bottles | - Students to bring their own drink bottle/s
- Please ensure your child brings enough water with them to last the day
- Bubbler taps are not to be used due to cross contamination
Gatherings | - Assemblies to continue via Google Meet with classes in their own rooms
- Larger gatherings of students may occur outside within the relevant health requirements