Wellbeing MATTERS!
Wellbeing MATTERS!
Dear Families,
Holiday grins are starting to be seen around the school/community this week! And don’t we ALL deserve a holiday!! Well done to all families and staff on their fantastic efforts during remote learning this term. It has been a loooong term and many of us will be feeling the effects, so please make sure you STOP and enjoy some quality “down-time” with your families, relaxing and recharging the batteries!
It is really important that you look after yourselves - Mums; Dads; Carers; Guardians - and take time to give yourself a break and just breathe. Remember, you can't look after others if you don't look after yourself first. So here is a great link if you want time to just sit, unwind and have some time to yourself. It's worth a look.
During the period of remote and flexible learning, some students have faced barriers to their learning and many others have found new pathways to learning. What’s for sure is that we have all done our best for our children and students! Let’s just remember….
I’d like to be like a caterpillar ……. eat alot. …….. sleep a little …….. and wake up beautiful!
As we reach the end of this extremely unusual term, I would like to just take another opportunity to express my pride and admiration in how brilliantly everyone in our Sacred Heart community is working together in the face of the immense changes to our lives that the battle with Covid-19 has caused. As Parents, this has been a really tough time for you as you’ve coped not only with your usual life’s responsibilities but have had to keep your children engaged in learning and occupied whilst we are all required to stay home. Thank you for all your support you have given and continue to give your children and our teachers as we all try to ensure that they are able to continue their learning as best as possible whilst in ‘iso’. There have been lots of things that we have all learnt but most importantly is that the health and wellbeing of every member of your family is our top priority and comes before everything else! So….
Have a great holiday break….enjoy the spring sunshine, take care and be safe!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or queries.
Debbie Turvey
Pastoral Wellbeing & Learning Diversity Leader
Stay tuned in our school newsletter for more ideas and conversations around promoting wellbeing and learning in our school community.
Have a great week, make the choice, be your best!