Teaching & Learning 

Remote Learning During Week 10

During Week 10 of Term 3 (14/9 - 18/9) we will be implementing a modified remote and flexible learning program for students across both campuses. This modified program will allow staff an opportunity to meet with parents, finalise feedback from student submissions and conduct longer term planning in preparation for a return to school in Term 4.


What will this remote and flexible learning program look like?

  • Students will continue to receive their daily lesson plans with learning tasks to complete and submit.
  • Teachers will continue to conduct daily check-ins at the usual time to help explain the learning for the day.
  • No individual or small group learning conferences will take place from Monday - Thursday.
  • Specialist check-in sessions will continue to run as normal throughout the week.
  • Parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s classroom or specialist teacher between 11.30 and 1pm from Monday - Thursday (please book a time via Compass).
  • Friday will be a chance for teachers and students to reconnect prior to the holidays.

Your child’s classroom teacher will help explain this to the students towards the end of this week. We thank you for your support in advance.

Parent Teacher Check-Ins









From our recent parent feedback on remote learning, it was clear that parents would like the opportunity to check-in with their child’s classroom teacher at the end of this term. Usually at this time of the year we would conduct a Celebration of Learning where students would take centre stage in sharing their learning journey with parents and friends. As we are in the middle of what has been an extraordinary year, having the opportunity for teachers and parents to check-in with each other seems more appropriate and sensible.


The purpose of our Term 3 Parent-Teacher Check-Ins


In order to ensure we are all on the same page, it is important to clarify the purpose of the Term 3 Parent - Teacher Check-Ins. 


These check-in times are designed:

It is important to note that given the nature of the remote and flexible learning program, teachers will not be in the position to provide specific academic feedback on your child. As we return to face-to-face teaching in Term 4, teachers will be working to assess your child’s progress and plan for their individual learning needs for the remainder of the year. We will be in a better position to discuss academic progress at our final Parent- Teacher Interviews in December. We thank-you in advance for your understanding with this matter.


Parent-Teacher Check-in Bookings

The Parent-Teacher Check-ins will, once again, look different this term as we continue to comply with physical distancing and health and hygiene protocols. 


We have allocated from 11.30 - 1pm on Monday to Thursday for the check-ins to take place. We are hoping that parents and carers can find 10 min during this time to spend discussing their child’s learning needs. In essence, the normal small group student check-ins have been replaced with parent check-ins throughout the week. 


The following organisation will help the virtual interviews run smoothly:

  • The check-ins will be held in your child’s teachers’ Webex Meeting Room
  • Bookings can be made on your Compass portal.
  • Bookings will close at 5pm Friday September 11. Any bookings after this time can be made directly with your child’s classroom or specialist teacher.
  • Your child’s teacher/s will send an email to parents informing you of their Webex Meeting Room number. Your child will be able to help you with this should you have trouble.
  • Each interview will be allocated 10 min with a 5 min break between each.

How to book an interview on your Compass Portal?


Making the Most of the Check-in Time

As the check-ins will be conducted virtually on Webex, the following protocols will assist in the sessions running smoothly:

  • Please don’t enter the teacher’s Webex Meeting space until your designated time.
  • Please find a quiet space that will allow yourself, your child and the teacher to concentrate on the discussion.
  • Having a conversation in the virtual world is a little different to that when we meet face-to-face. Please be understanding that there may be glitches and buffering from time to time.
  • This check-in is exactly as the name suggests, a time for both teacher and parent/carer to spend time discussing the student’s learning behaviours and wellbeing needs. Due to the COVID-19 remote learning situation, teachers may not have the evidence to discuss specific outcomes based on the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Have some questions ready, so they can be discussed first.
  • If time runs out, that is fine, another time can be organised to continue the discussion early in Term 4.
  • Your child is encouraged to be part of the discussion, it is their education after all. Ultimately, it is up to the parents/carers, should they wish to have your child present for the check-in.
  • Be kind, as this has been a challenging situation for everyone involved.

Student Excellence Program 

A recent  initiative from the Department of Education has been to introduce the Victorian Excellence Program, which is centred around providing schools with the support to further challenge those students who are performing above the expected level. Our High Ability Practice leaders are Celeste Vermeend, Derick Micallef and myself. This initiative has been designed to support schools in three ways:

  1. Victorian High Ability Program: This program is offered to year 5/6 students based on their academic performance and provides an opportunity for them to participate in a 10 week literacy or numeracy learning experience with like-minded students from across the state. Buninyong PS has no say in who is selected for this program as students are selected by the Department of Education.
  2. Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series: These are a series of learning opportunities that are developed and conducted by educational facilities from across the state. Schools can register for any event based on the needs of their students. This week we have two opportunities; an opportunity for year 5/6 students to meet with an author to engage in creative writing and a science session based on the study of DNA for students in Years 3/4.  As a school, we will be selecting experiences and asking teachers to nominate students to participate.
  3. Teacher resources and Toolkit: Finally our High Ability Practice Leaders will have the opportunity to participate in professional learning to assist teachers in identifying high ability students and how to best support and challenge these students at a class level.

We look forward to further sharing our journey with you over the next 12 months.