Principal's Report 


Hopefully you spotted the notification sent out late in the day yesterday, which outlined a return to school schedule. In case you missed it, the transition back to Buninyong Primary will be as follows:


Week 1 of Term 4 (Oct 5-9) –

·         Remote Learning continues for all year levels. 

·         On-site continues for those that are eligible.


Week 2 of Term 4 (Oct 12-16)

·         Schools have the option of a staggered return, however the decision has been taken for all year levels (both campuses) to return on Monday October 12. 


Should there be a pupil free day declared at any point, we will let you know well in advance.


Well done to everyone for coping with the degree of uncertainty in 2020, but at least we now have a good sense of what is in store over the next few months.  Hang in there and we’ll be back to some sort of normal for term 4.  


In the meantime, we will focus on finishing off the term the best we can.  Remote learning in the final week of term will be adjusted to accommodate parent-teacher check-ins, which Dave outlines in the Teaching and Learning section of this newsletter.


Later this week we will be ready to submit an application for a shade structure through the School Shade Grants Program.  We have applied for shade sail grants in the past without any luck, but on this occasion the focus is on replacing the shade and shelter lost through the removal of the Cyprus tree near the gym.  Hopefully those assessing the applications will understand the increased need on this occasion and we might get a different outcome.  A big thank you to local groups that haven’t hesitated to write letters of support to be sent in as part of the application.


Obviously there has been no urgency to complete this project, but we are ticking along and will have the facility ready to use when the kids are back at school in term 4.  All of the electrical work was completed last week, which included the installation of appliances.  So now we have a really good sense of what the space will look like, which you can see in the attached photos.