Learning and Teaching

Welcome back to Term 4. We are all looking forward to being back onsite at school and seeing all the children. A reminder for families, can you please return:
- All take-home readers that were given to the children at the start of Term 3.
- Handwriting books.
- Any workbooks from Term 3.
Over the first few weeks back, the teachers will focus on the children settling back into the classroom routine and ensuring they feel confident and happy back at school. There will be a focus on rebuilding relationships amongst children in the school community and re-developing the sense of belonging that our children feel at Corpus Christi.
Teachers will be working closely with all children to revise and build upon what the students know. This will be conducted through small teaching focus groups and/or in one to one work with the children. Our focus is on building from what the children can do and nurturing and developing this across Term 4.
Return to School Social Story
We used this social story with the Prep, Year 1 and 2 Communities in Term 2 when the children returned to school. It is timely and relevant again as we prepare to return next week. You can share it with your child.
Deborah Courtney
Director of Teaching and Learning