Anchorage House News

This has been such a busy term for Anchorage, as the boys have managed their schoolwork load, sporting commitments and contributed to the variety of boarding activities we have been involved with.

Boarding's Got Talent

Most recently was the Boarding's Got Talent event. The task was to host a dinner, including all the preparations that go along with this and to create an activity for the guests to participate in. I wanted this to be student-led, leaving myself with a supporting role. San Choy Bow was the dish the boys settled on and Fletcher Cugley, Pierce Newman and Bailey Peacock did a great job making it with the expert tuition of Chef Nick. The savoury mince was wrapped in a lettuce leaf and served to the guests, followed by hot waffles with berries and ice-cream.  

The boys welcomed each group to the house and showed them to their seat before serving the meal. Mitchell Hawley, Jake Cameron, Brock Beeck, Jed Kowald, Kaleb Germain and Koby Hams were all very good at this. Steven Wiech, Jack Carlson, Daniel Barrett-Lennard, Darcy Barrett, Brendan Quick, Berkley Somerscales, Michael Watson and Owen Baxter-Holland were great at putting the meal together and providing the service, and Daniel Fisher and Kaden Patterson were great at running the mini golf and darts activity and the dreaded clean-up at the end.


Great leadership was shown by Fletcher to keep the boys on track throughout and I think the boys impressed themselves with how well they put this all together.

Marsh Award

This week will see the first of the Marsh Awards being handed out and we have several boys in Anchorage who will be the first recipients. It’s a credit to the boys for the way they get involved in so many boarding activities.  


The boarding revegetation project was one such example and Berkley Somerscales, Mitchell Hawley, Daniel Fisher, Koby Hams and Steven Wiech joined other boarding students to help plant 200 seedlings along the edge of Oyster Harbour. It will be nice for all the boys involved to revisit this site years from now and see the difference their work has made to the local environment.

Lounge Upgrades

Thanks to the IT department for setting up our three lounge areas. The Year Eight boys love their big screen TV area and likewise the Year Nine group have made great use of the new lounge area in their wing. With COVID-19 restrictions easing, we can allow more boys in each area and it’s been their favourite way to relax in recent weeks.

Topics for Discussion

One of the themes in our conversations in recent weeks has been around how we voice our opinions on certain topics. What constitutes acceptable topics for humour have also been discussed. Being thoughtful of cultural groups, remaining open minded and avoiding generalised statements is a part of growing up and an important part of living in a diverse community. Some of the responses from the boys have been terrific. I really enjoy seeing this type of transformation as boys develop into men and I know Mr Rice is looking forward to taking on the Year Nine group as they transition into the senior house next year.


We have had birthday celebrations for Fletcher Cugley, Brendan Quick, Trenton Hams and Bailey Peacock during the month of September. Happy 15th birthday to all four boys.

Mr Brendan Goggins | Head of Anchorage House