From the Library

Book Covering

The Library is in need of new volunteers to assist with book covering throughout 2019. Please pop in to the Library on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoons if you are able to help.

2019 Scribblers Festival

In the Library this week, I have been sharing information about the upcoming 2019 Scribblers Festival in May. The students have been very interested to hear about some of the fantastic authors who will be speaking at this festival. Many of these authors are popular in our Library, such as Matt Stanton, Jacqueline Harvey, Megan McDonald, Kylie Howarth and Alison Lester. Check out the Festival details at this link:


As part of the lead up to the 2019 Scribblers Festival public libraries across WA are participating in The Golden Feather Hunt. There are some fantastic prizes on offer for this hunt, which has already begun. See participating libraries and more information here:


I would love to encourage our OLA students and families to take part and enjoy this festival celebrating reading and literature for young people, it promises to be a fun-filled weekend.

Happy Reading!

Mrs Claire Dale

Library Officer