Junior AECG 

Step Up

Kempsey High School's "feel good" stairs

The Junior Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group (AECG) have been planning the "feel good" stairs since early 2020 and finally their hard work and dedication has paid off. The stairs were reveled this week by members of KHS Junior AECG, KHS Staff, Girls Academy, Clontarf, KHS AEO and our special guest Dunghutti Elder Uncle Fred Kelly. 

Our “feel good” stairs, at the entrance to A Block communicate important messages about wellbeing, doing what's right, and encouraging each other to be your best. These important messages are complimented by indigenous artwork, designed by our Junior AECG President Njaree Quinlan and they look awesome! 


Local business Jabiru Printing produced and fitted the messages to our stairs. Our Junior AECG and supporting staff should be proud of this contribution to our physical and emotional environment here on the campus. A special thanks to Uncle Fred Kelly for being present at the unveiling of the stairs.