Around the School

Read about some of the great work faculties have been doing

Wellbeing Wednesday

The Library has been a hive of activity at lunchtimes on Wednesday during Term 3, with many students attending Wellbeing Wednesday, which hosts activities such as origami, friendship bands, gratitude journals and wall hangings. The activities are designed to introduce the students to something that is hands on, in a friendly and relaxed environment. 

The concept of Wellbeing Wednesday is for students and staff to unplug from the digital world and enjoy simple activities in a relaxed environment. The additional benefits of this initiative are the new friendships being formed among students and staff members getting to know students in a more relaxed setting.

The initiative will run every Wednesday during Term 3 and different activities will be introduced every two weeks.

Science Week Activities 

National Science Week celebrates all things science and technology. It highlights many achievements in science and explore future possibilities. This year the theme was Deep Blue-innovation for the future of our oceans. 

The Year 9 Marine Studies students designed a power point presentation, exploring Marine Debris and the future of our oceans and it was against this backdrop that Mr Squires, from the Science Faculty and Miss Carmody from the learning Faculty hosted a Masterclass in knot tying.

Students who attended enjoyed learning a really useful skill. Thank you to Mr Squires and Miss Carmody for hosting this activity during Science Week.

Year 11 Hospitality Students

Year 11 Hospitality students have been providing the staff with delicious meals over the last few weeks. Under the watchful eye of Hospitality teachers Miss Ryan and Mr Jones, the Year 11 students have shown great technical skills in the kitchen and produced meals of a high standard. 

Many staff members have supported the students and have really enjoyed  their meals and look forward to Thursday lunchtimes. Thank you to Mr Bobin for overseeing the meal preparation in the Red Onion Cafe and to staff members for supporting this enterprise.

Wear it Purple Day

Thank you to all the students and staff who supported wear it purple day on Friday 28 August. The day celebrated diversity and inclusion in not only our school community but beyond the school gate. Students and staff participated by wearing purple or a mix of colours and enjoyed lunchtime activities and music.

Friday Jam Session with Miss Hines

Friday lunchtimes have been given a new vibe with the sounds of Miss Hines and students, performing popular songs and some old classics. Students have embraced the opportunity to showcase their talents under the leadership of Miss Hines on the ukulele. Fantastic effort everyone and keep the good vibes coming.