A message from the Principal

Mr Rob Lyttle

Term 3 is certainly one of growth at Kempsey High School.


Kempsey High continues to go from strength to strength despite the challenges that 2020 has put forward. I would like to acknowledge the efforts that the students, staff and community continue to produce in combating the ever changing Covid-19 landscape. I am acutely aware of the anxiety and extra stresses this alone has created for our community and I am extremely proud of the resilience and fortitude shown by all to manage this complex situation. While we are not out of the woods yet, it is important to recognise those efforts and support each other to keep up the good work. We can do this!


To our Year 12 students and staff…. You are amazing. Our whole school community is in awe of the way you have conducted yourselves as you continue to plug away and do your best in what can only be described as a unique HSC year. While this year doesn’t look the same for students as years gone by, we, as a school are working to make it special in its own way and you can be assured that we are doing what we can to plan for this. Time will tell what this will look like. In the meantime keep coming to school and sourcing the support offered here… you will be in the big wide world before you know it.


Year 11 exams will be held in week 9 which means their HSC year is just around the corner, starting in term 4. Keep striving for excellence and listen to the advice of your teachers, particularly the feedback from your examinations and assessments so you can get the best out of your last year of high school.


Our senior leaders for 2021 have been elected I would like to congratulate all of the students who put themselves up for election. Our leadership team has now been created and I am confident they will support the school and the community the best way that they can. Their leadership was on show in our transition zoom with our local primary schools who are unfortunately not able to attend the campus due to health restrictions. This did not deter our transition team who hosted a fantastic event online whereby the Year 6 students from the district had the opportunity to video conference our student body to answer some of the questions and meet their student leaders for next year. It was a great event and we look forward to more throughout the year.


Year 10 have made their subject selections for their final years of high school. The staff have worked very hard to provide a broad and relevant curriculum for our students and we look forward to supporting them on this journey. Year 8 also get the opportunity to select their electives this term.


Our Agriculture students continue to earn the rewards from their hard work and dedication despite the restrictions in place. Despite not being able to attend the EKKA in person, Freya Weismatel (Senior) and Ella Saul (Junior) came first in both the Senior and Junior virtual  Steer Judging. Makayla Lawrence received a second place award in the Junior virtual judging category of Dairy Cattle. Congratulations to these three students and all the Agriculture team and staff.


Next time you are in the school be sure to check out some of our new additions that we are super proud of. Our “feel good” stairs (A Block) communicate important messages, complimented by indigenous artwork and they look awesome! Our Junior AECG and supporting staff should be proud of this contribution to our physical and emotional environment here on the campus. The digital sign is another new addition and will communicate upcoming events and important announcements, so make sure you have a look at this when you are next near the school.


We are super proud of our staff and students and the support they are offering each other. As we move through term 3 please follow the health advice of the authorities and continue to stay safe and healthy.


Kind regards,

Rob Lyttle

Relieving Principal

Kempsey High School