Inquiry Centre


Wow! Another week done and dusted. Last week we conducted individual assessments with students where we were able to spend time listening to them read and have a little catch up one-on-one. This was a big highlight for all the teachers and we want to say a big thank-you for all of your support and flexibility around the Google Meet sessions.


In Literacy last week students presented their Animal Fact Files. It was very interesting to learn lots of new information about a range of different animals and students presented their information in a range of creative ways including dioramas, speeches and posters. We also focused on identifying nonfiction text features and explored how they can help us understand information in texts. 


In Maths, we began looking at statistics and data with students reading and interpreting different graphs, as well as collecting their own data. Students could choose to analyse a bar graph, pictograph or line graph and use the information provided to answer a range of different questions. They also became ‘data detectives’ by creating their own question and categories to collect data on. Students represented their data using tally marks. 


In Guided Inquiry, students presented their comparisons about the past and the present. A big highlight was seeing how creatively students presented their findings. We enjoyed watching students transform into game show hosts, TV reporters, professional interviewers, and short movie makers. We also enjoyed reading students mini-books and posters that they used to present their information. The teachers were amazed by all of the fantastic ideas and interesting information. 


This week our usual small group Google Meet sessions will resume. Tuesday morning’s Google Meet check-in will go for longer than normal. We will be running a live writing session in which students will receive a narrative topic for them to write about. Please ensure your child has a pencil and paper (ideally lined paper) for them to write with. The writing session is intended to be independent and students will upload their writing immediately after the Google Meet session. This writing will allow teachers to continue to monitor students progress to gain a clear understanding of each child’s needs. 


Emma Honan, Aidan O’Connor, Emma Marsh, Kathy Wang, Emily Glen, Emily Kiefte, Simone Rock and Erin Bennetts


Clothes in the past
Collecting Data
Collecting Data
Guided Inquiry: Past and Present
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Clothes in the past
Collecting Data
Collecting Data
Guided Inquiry: Past and Present
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File
Animal Fact File

Student Voice

  • 'I liked the Maths activity about time and learning about quarter to and quarter past' - Pincheng 1/2H
  • 'I enjoyed listening to the feedback comments from Miss Marsh and Miss Honan' - Louis 1/2H
  • 'I liked playing the narrator in Music' - Luci 1/2H
  • 'I really enjoy and putting my mind to coding' - Jess 1/2H
  • 'I enjoyed the maths because it helps me learn and I should always give it a try' - Alma 1/2H
  • 'I enjoyed collecting data in Maths because it was fun and challenging' - Leo 1/2H


  • Please keep your child's teacher informed about changes and challenges along the way so that we can work to support you and your child further.

Pupil of the Week

1/2BR: Aryan Z - 

For demonstrating great creativity when making your video showing the differences between the past and the present. Your use of the characters and sound effects made it very engaging to watch!


1/2E: Lucas O - 

For your showing creativity, enthusiasm and love of learning in all of your Seesaw tasks. Your work on the data tasks was fabulous, you  created a question and recorded your data using tally marks! Great work Lucas! 


1/2H: Megan T - 

For consistently demonstrating creativity and perseverance in all of your Seesaw tasks. Your Animal Fact File and Guided Inquiry presentations were incredibly engaging and informative. You should be very proud of your efforts Megan! 


1/2K: Alita N - 

For using creativity to present your animal fact file as a diorama! You used real leaves, twigs, and hay to show your animals’ habitat and showed a love of learning by researching your animal and making your presentation look realistic! Fantastic work Alita! 


1/2O: Angus H - 

For your presentation of your animal fact file. You used creativity to produce an engaging diorama which clearly showed your animals habitat. Amazing Angus!


1/2P: Piper F - 

For demonstrating your great decoding and comprehension skills when reading with Miss Glen. It was great to see you engaging with the text, sharing your ideas and showing persistence. Keep up the great work, Piper!


1/2W: Owen S - 

For demonstrating creativity and zest in all of your Seesaw tasks. Your Guided Inquiry and Animal Fact File Presentations were brilliant as you shared your facts in interesting ways. You should be very proud of yourself as you continue to challenge yourself everyday!