Junior School Report

A huge Welcome back to our students in Junior School. It is absolutely fabulous to have you back in the classroom. Students were welcomed back with banners, balloons and signs.

The Start of Term 4 for our Junior School students has been a renewed experience in the classroom and having to wear masks.  We hope that the students are ready to take on new challenges. 


Students will be supported upon their return. This week year 7 students completed a reflection on what the Remote Learning experience was like and the impact Covid-19 had on them. This reflection will go in their time capsule and be opened once they reach Year 12. 


Students also will participate in getting to know each other activities being organised by the Well Being Team. Here they will learn how to support each other and reconnect.

The Junior Sub school will also tun an activities afternoon which will include Samoan Dance routines, Brain teasers, Physical Obstacle Course challenges and origami paper reflection task as part of the Reconnect programs. 


 Teachers and coordinators are working to support students every day in their return to onsite learning and we are all working together as one to support each other.


Remember to always communicate with your teachers if you are having and issues or difficulties with class work. Please contact your coordinator if you have any concerns with Well Being or your learning. 


Many students enjoyed the lessons being delivered online and participation was terrific. The feedback from students on how they managed their learning was nice to hear. 


We wish our student success back in the face to face learning environment and it will be a positive and nice way to complete the year. 




Ms Lauren Honeycombe

Junior Sub School leader