From the Principal Class Team

Year 7 Interclass Challenge. 

Supporting our Year 7 students in their return to onsite learning has also been a significant priority for the College. While online learning has challenged us all, it has been a particularly unusual year for our Year 7’s first year of  high school.  As well as the re-connect strategies previously mentioned, Year 7 students this week will be participating in an interclass challenge. This afternoon of activities has been developed to create an opportunity for Year 7’s to have some fun together (in a COVID safe environment) while working as a team and strengthening their connections with each other and the school.  We look forward to sharing some photos with you in a future newsletter. 

And finally....

Thank you to parents for supporting our COVID safe practices. In spite of everything that has happened this year, we, as a school community, have so much to celebrate and be proud of. Your support has been central to this. 



Principal - Ms Kerrie Dowsley
Principal - Ms Kerrie Dowsley
Assistant Principal - Mr Craig Jennings
Assistant Principal - Mr Craig Jennings
Assistant Principal - Mr John Coulson
Assistant Principal - Mr John Coulson
Assistant Principal - Ms Tracey D'Elton
Assistant Principal - Ms Tracey D'Elton