Senior School Report  

At this time in the school year, we are leading up to final examinations for our Year 11 and Year 12 students.  The Year 11 exams will commence on Monday, 2 November and the Year 12 External exams will commence on Tuesday, 10 November with English and EAL.  Some Language exams and VET Music exams have already been done as has the GAT.


Classes for all Year 12 students and Year 11 VCE students finish on Friday, 30 October. Classes for Year 11 VCAL students finish on Friday, 6 November.


Year 12 VCE students did their ‘Practice Exams’ during the second week of Term 4 when they returned to onsite learning. Students got a ‘taste’ of where they are at with their studying and what sort of preparation is ahead of them leading up to the final exams.


On Monday, 26 October and Wednesday, 28 October, the Year 12 VCAL students will have their interviews where they will show cased their folios for the time they were in the VCAL program. They will discuss with the panel members the skills, knowledge and experience they gained in the program, especially working during the pandemic, and what they plan to do in 2021.


This year we will host our Annual Year 12 Awards Evening in a completely different way.

The event will take place in the school’s Performing Arts (PA) starting at 5pm.  Students will receive their graduation certificates and subject awards. They will be wearing the graduation gowns. The event will be live streamed for all family members and friends.


The live stream link will be on Compass and the school’s website as soon as it is available.

Students will be required at school by 3.30pm for preparation and a rehearsal.

The guest speaker for the evening will be Sheeba Raza.  Sheeba completed her VCE at St Albans SC and she will share her career journey with our school community during the evening.


The Orientation Program for Year 11 into Year 12 VCE for 2021 will commence on Thursday, 12 November and finish on Wednesday, 25 November. It is compulsory for students to attend classes these two weeks as they will get their first piece of formative task for preparation for Year 12.


The Year 11 into 12 VCAL Orientation is from Monday, 16 November until Wednesday, 18 November, again attendance is compulsory as students will start work towards a Senior VCAL.


The Orientation Program for Year 10 into Year 11 VCE for 2021 is from Thursday, 26 November until Thursday, 3 December. The Year 11 VCAL Orientation is Thursday, 26 and Friday, 27 November.

The VET Orientation is on Tuesday, 24 November. 


Many thanks to the parents who contact us when their child is absent for any reason. This is of great assistance to the Year Level Coordinators, as we will call home regularly if there are any unexplained absences for your child.


 The Case Management process continues to monitor closely the attendance, achievement and individual needs of all our students. Please contact us on 9366 2555 if you have any queries or concerns about the progress of your child.




Ms Stav Bekiaris

Senior Sub School Leader