Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Term 4 2020

Welcome back to Term Four! We know that it will be a fantastic term full of great learning with friends. Thank you for your ongoing support during remote learning and as we transition back into our classroom learning. It will be lovely to reconnect with all of our students.


Religious Education 

Our focus for this term is on Stewardship of Creation. We will be exploring the concept of creation as a gift from God and our responsibilities to look after that gift through the choices we make as good stewards of creation. We will also be identifying ways we can personally care for creation. In the latter part of the term we will be preparing for Christmas through Advent stories and activities with the focus being on the ancestors of Jesus and how they remained faithful and positive in waiting for the Messiah.



In Maths we will be consolidating our numeracy skills in a number of areas, revisiting topics and learning new concepts. This term we will be learning more about the five following areas:


-Multiplication: linking to arrays and concept of equal groups.

-Division: recognising sharing, partitioning and quotient.

-Fractions - recognising and interpreting equal parts of a whole and relating the number of parts to the size of a fraction. 

-Chance - exploring the likelihood of events occurring and describing the probability of events occurring using chance language. For example, likely and unlikely. 

-Money - recognise, describe, count and order Australian coins and notes according to their value. 



In Reading we will continue to work on developing fluency and expression with a focus in reading groups, on the following comprehension strategies:

  • sequencing
  • summarising
  • finding the main idea and supporting details
  • author's purpose
  • cause and effect

In Writing our focus will be on information writing. Students will learn the features of scientific reports including animal fact files. Students will produce their own marine animal reports including habitat, food, features etc. In linking with writing we will explore the difference between fiction and non-fiction and learn about their features including diagrams and glossaries. 


Social & Emotional Learning

Our focus for SEL this term is on Social Management. This will involve an exploration on problem solving and appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with conflict. Students will identify possible solutions to problem scenarios and how it’s important to look at the positives and negatives of any solution before taking action. They will also identify the importance of cooperative behaviour and how this can help when solving problems in a group. Circle time will be a continual SEL process we will be using in allowing students to share their thoughts and voice their opinions.  



"What do we see in our seas?" 

This term our Inquiry is based on  Biological Science in exploring living things and their interdependence and interactions in the ocean. Students will be investigating a sea creature to find out about its classification, features, diet, habitat, survival and reproduction. 


Home Learning

  • Reading Eggs or Epic - We recommend 15 minutes at least three times a week.
  • Mathletics - We recommend Mathletics practice at home at least three times a week to help consolidate maths learning in the classroom.
  • Daily reading and recording in reading records.