Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

After yesterday's announcement, it looks like we will be continuing with remote learning for at least another week, a situation we had all hoped could be avoided, however, our Trinity families and staff have once again done an amazing job to ensure the best learning possible will go ahead until we are all back together at school. We are very aware that there were and may continue to be some technical issues, and we will do our best to have these sorted out s quickly as possible so that all children are able to complete their assigned tasks.  


We know that these lockdowns can be stressful for families, especially when parents are trying to work from home and have children at home learning online.  We really appreciate each families support at these times and welcome your feedback so that we can continue to improve how we respond to and work through these challenging times.  HERE is a quick feedback form to assist us going forward. 


A reminder that if there are any parents still requiring a device for their child you will need to email Mrs Smith, so that this can be arranged for collection from school. 

Trinity will continue to deliver a supervision program for children of authorized and essential workers, and vulnerable children throughout the lockdown. If your child needs to attend onsite please email me, at

Thank you all in advance for your continued patience, support and understanding. 

Uniform Supplier

As explained in last week's newsletter, we will need to engage a new school uniform supplier for 2022 as our current supplier is no longer able to source or supply school uniforms. Whilst we do not intend to make any major changes to our uniform, the situation does provide us the opportunity to evaluate our current stock and look at possibilities going forward. We will also need to ensure that our new school logo is featured on any new items. To ensure parent input I will address this situation with our School Advisory Committee when we meet later this term. 


Student Led Conferences & Parent Teacher Meetings

At this stage we still hope to be able to provide onsite student led conferences as planned to discuss student learning and reports. However, if restrictions are placed upon us we may need to modify this process and hold these meetings online. This year we will endeavour to send out reports via email so that parents can have an electronic copy of student reports for their records. Hard copies will still be made available upon request.  


Parent Voice and input

Trinity Primary School's Values of,

RESPECT, EXCELLENCE and COMMUNITY encompass many things and give us all great direction in how we treat each other and ourselves so that we can be the best school and best people possible.  If you would like to have a say about what these values mean to you and your family please feel free to complete the Google Form I have attached HERE. OUR SCHOOL VALUES 



Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
