This page contains important material supporting our ongoing learning as a PLT.

Staff Meeting / Professional Learning Team

 2021 SIP Review

During this Tuesday’s staff meeting we will examine/review the 2021 Site Improvement Plan, its challenge of practice and the key actions outlined in the existing priority areas of Writing and Mathematics. Please see the attached document in readiness for these discussions.

Collaborative Planning For 100 Day Plan

During this week's staff meeting one of the key activities will be a group discussion informing the development of a 100 Day Plan.

Please consider the attached document and come prepared to share your thoughts.

Agreed Staff Norms and Collective Purpose

During staff meeting in week 3 we will be commencing the development and draft documentation of 'Agreed Staff Norms' which will support our collective efforts as a Professional Learning Team (PLT) moving forward. Essentially this discussion will involve us identifying and documenting a set of 'agreed expectations' outlining how we agree to work together as a staff and how we expect to be treated as a PLT.


I ask that between now and week 3 you reflect and consider the following question...

'What is the collective purpose of our work, why are we here?'



This seems 'random' but will make sense!
This seems 'random' but will make sense!