Principal's News

Dear Parents / Carers,

I do hope families were able to make the most of the 3 day weekend, in these difficult and unique times. We count our blessings that we are still allowed freedoms not afforded to our city cousins and hope and pray that Victoria continues to suppress the Covid-19 outbreak and we can look forward to greater freedoms soon. 


FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART Last Friday we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart with Mass here in our Multi Purpose Room and courtyard. Fr Michael, as always spoke beautifully to the children, Ms Leonard did a fantastic job organising the Mass, but the kids... their behaviour, their attention, their attitude to participating.  It was amazing!

Over the weekend I visited with an elderly couple that I had never met before and when they found out what I did for a living they almost began to sympathise about how hard my job must be with children being so naughty “these days”. I don’t blame them for holding these opinions about “kids these days” when you watch the evening news bulletins, which are often designed, I’m sure, to frighten us all. 

But I was very quick to tell them that I loved my job, that the kids were the best things in the school and that, in fact, kids are getting better and better. I THINK they believed me? Certainly they looked pleased to hear it.

After Mass on Friday the children participated in a number of “Heart health” activities and a gold coin donation was accepted to be passed on to the Heart Foundation.

The Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart was always called “The Poor Man’s Mass” when I was growing up. It was an occasion where those that could afford to, brought gifts of food and/or bedding and clothing to the Mass to be donated to the poor through the agency of the St Vincent de Paul Society. This tradition continues. Children have been asked to bring specific donations to be given to St Vincent de Paul in “Care Packs” that our senior students will put together from these donations. We are still accepting these donations until Monday 21 June.


ASSESSMENT CONVERSATIONS Assessment Conversations are a very important part of the way in which we report to parents on their children’s progress at school. Our teachers will be meeting with parents throughout this week to report on each student’s progress this year. Parents will receive a  brief, written report at the end of this meeting, however it is the Conversation where most of the reporting will be done.

Teachers have spent a great deal of time preparing for these reports and conversations and so if you have not yet arranged a meeting, parents should please do so asap via PAM. Parents are able to attend these meetings as they are deemed “essential” to the child/ren’s learning, however, if anyone feels particularly vulnerable or is not comfortable about coming into the school they can arrange a phone interview if they would prefer.

The Multi purpose Room will be set up to allow for Social Distancing. Parents will need to wear a mask whilst on the school premises, Parents will need to use our QR Code to register their attendance on site and sanitizing stations will be set up throughout the school.


NO CANTEEN Unfortunately , we are again unable to offer Canteen lunches at school. We will look to begin canteen again in Term 3. 


ENROLMENTS Parents are reminded that Enrolment Application Forms for Prep students for 2022 are due. Please drop them into school at your convenience.


SKOOLBAG Sacred Heart will no longer be using Skoolbag as a means of communication. To advise 'Absences', please do so via PAM before 10:00am

To advise changes to 'End of Day routine', (only to be used for current day) please.



YOUR EMAIL WILL NEED TO INCLUDE: Child's name, class and new pick up point. 


 This is our preferred method, however you can still phone the school office should you not have access to an email facility.