Middle School News

Year 10 BBQ
This week the year 10s had a BBQ to bring the students together with each other and their teachers after their work experience week. It was a fabulous lunchtime filled with happy students, delicious food, great music and lots of smiles. Thanks you to all the students and staff who assisted with the cooking and serving of the BBQ.
Year 9 Assembly
The year 9 assembly was held this week which saw students participating in 'Minute to Win It' competitions, celebrating student birthdays and preparing for upcoming events. It was great to see the year level together and enjoying the opportunity to connect with others.
Year 10 Assembly
Year 10s also had an assembly this week. It was a fantastic opportunity to come together after Work Experience week so that students could share their stories and recounts of their week in the workforce. Students were also able to hear from their Student Leaders, watch some motivational videos, compete in some competitions and make the most of the get-together.
Work Experience
Last week the year 10 students participated in Work Experience. They were able to immerse themselves in the working world and see what various work places were like. It was fabulous to see the broad range of industries the students went to and was great to see how involved students got in the workplaces. Some student recounts of their week are below:
Abbey Purton
My work experience was a great opportunity to see what work life was like, and was a great experience overall. It allowed me to see what a work day was like in the life of a teacher. I helped students with the artworks as I was in the art room, and I packed up after they left. This allowed me to gain a greater understanding of what a teacher goes through, whereas previously I didn't realise how much effort went into planning the lessons for the students and setting and packing up the classroom afterwards takes time away from the teachers breaks. I also helped out with the year 4 students and they were quite cute, I even ran some clubs at lunchtime for the students to help keep them entertained, I also helped some of the lower students with their work as they needed some extra help. I even helped the students make some crafts for their mothers day cards at the end of the week, overall it is a great program and I loved the experience.
Jemmah Paton
I completed my week of work experience at Chesterfield farm. During the week I completed many tasks, such as feeding all the animals, milking the cows, collecting eggs off the chickens, bottle feeding calves, cleaning animal pens, riding the quad bike to feed the paddock animals, and brushing the dogs. I had such a fun week, and learnt first hand what it was like to be a part of the workplace. It was a great experience, and I really enjoyed my time there.
Isobel Giordano
My work experience was at a family law firm in Albert Park. Here I learned a lot about the complex process of divorce and the property and financial distribution and parenting matters involved. I got to read client briefs and affidavits, listen to divorce hearings via Teleconference, as well as undertake administrative duties such as calling the clerks of other law firms and scanning old client briefs before they got shredded.
Alisa Avoian
From Monday 3 May to Friday 7 May, I had my placement at Sandown Vet Clinic. I had the opportunity to watch consultations with clients, clean the preparation room where dental cleaning and nail clipping occurred, helped out with the daily dog walking of the racing greyhounds and also had the opportunity to watch surgeries. I learnt how to hold a greyhound while they had their blood taken for testing and how to properly move dogs when they were under anaesthesia. On Friday, I was lucky enough to watch a greyhound have a C-section. There were six beautiful pups and I helped out with cleaning them. I was able to hold the pups as well. I had an amazing time at the clinic and made some great friends and shared a few laughs. This experience will be a wonderful memory and I hope to go back soon.
Ellie Prior
Hi, I’m Ellie and I went to The Powershop for my work experience.
The Powershop is a renewable energy company and is owned by Meridian energy who supply the power from wind farms, solar arrays and hydro dams. Everyday I went into the city and worked 9am to 4pm. I learnt about all aspects of the business, from sales and marketing to engineering to finance. I was taken out to lunch everyday which was fun but unfortunately confirmed how bad my small talk skills are. Some of the things I got to experience were; calling competitor companies for research, understanding the benefits of electric cars and learning about the production of sustainable energy. I would definitely consider a career in renewable energy or engineering and this also helped me decide what subjects I might take for VCE.
Amanda O'Hara
Director of Middle School