College matters

Road safety
The safety of our students when travelling to and from school is a responsibility of everyone in our school community. Staff are stationed at gates before and after school to monitor the safety of students. Unsafe and illegal practices have been observed and we ask that everyone students, parents and staff work together to keep our students safe.
One of the most dangerous practices is students not using the controlled pedestrian crossings to cross roads yet within metres of the official and safe crossings. This is particularly dangerous as drivers cannot see the students between parked cars.
The school's and neighbours' driveways are also being blocked to drop off students or negotiate turns.
We ask our community to:
- Observe all road rules at all times
- Use the drop off zones when able
- Do not block driveways when dropping off/picking up students
- Do not drive into the carparks to drop off/pick up students
- Cross roads at the lights or controlled crossings
- Do not ride bicycles in the grounds, on footpaths or in busy shopping areas. Bicycles should be walked on campus.
We are currently in discussions with the City of Kingston to review our ongoing concerns around traffic and road safety.
From 1st June only winter uniform can be worn. Summer and winter uniform items cannot be mixed and matched. The tights and scarfs are winter items and should not be worn with a summer dress. As previously advised, only the MGSC logo scarf is allowable.
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal