Principal's message

Dear MGSC Community
What a busy two weeks.
Our year 10 students have completed their week of work experience and our teachers visited them at their locations. I thank Karen Garton, our Careers Advisor, for her co-ordination of this worthwhile program.
Last time I wrote to you all, we had just finished our House Competition. In true house spirit, our year 12 students have been working with our year 7 students in the leadup to the year 7 &12 Fancy Dress which took place on Wednesday 12 May. It was an event filled with high energy and fun. The music, dance moves, costumes and themes were a joy to watch. My thanks to Clare Selir for her organisation of the event and to Tim Veevers for his support of this program as well. The rehearsals have been taking place for the past few weeks and yesterday will be remembered as a highlight for both our newest and most senior students.
The Aerobics squad competed at the Regionals on Sunday 2 May. All teams, singles and audition challenge students (except for one) have qualified for the state finals in June. This is an outstanding result. I was able to be an audience member on the day and it was such a proud moment when I saw our teams compete. My thanks to Tess Molina who oversees the aerobics program and to the coaches, many of whom are our past students.
MGSC really is an amazing school that celebrates success in many ways. The culture of the school is one of inclusiveness, empathy and recognition of personal best.
We are in the process of identifying the next building project for the school, having just completed the works on our STEAM Connect Centre. As parents may be aware, the school has self-funded all major works of the school over the past 30 years (at least). We take pride in our grounds and the educational spaces of the school and regularly upgrade the these areas. However, to undertake anything significant we need our parents assistance. One way to assist schools to undertake building works is through donations to our Building Fund which are also tax-deductible. I encourage you to support us in this endeavour so that we can continue to undertake more substantial work into the future. We will be in touch with families shortly as we near the end of this financial year. Any assistance you can give us will benefit our students and your daughters into the future.
Best wishes
Linda Brown