Around the classrooms

Year 9 Enhancement Maths
Exploring deeper thinking
This week our Year 9 Enhancement Maths classes have completed a collaborative task as a part of their Linear Relationships CAT. The task design was similar to one part of the year 12 Unit 3 Methods SAC where students are required to work in a team and design a pathway given specific constraints.
After introducing the task, the students had to check in with class teachers and then complete their paths using their knowledge of finding the rule of a linear function, finding a perpendicular line and calculating the total distance travelled.
When smiling faces submitted their final work, I asked how they felt at the start of the task. Responses included “I was worried it was hard..”, “I was not sure I would get it done…” I then asked how they felt as it was handed in “I am really happy I got this done..”, “I feel I did a good job..”.
The task was a positive experience for the students and they continue to impress us as staff with their increased confidence and enthusiasm for working together and completing tasks that stretch and challenge them.
Mrs Suzanne Reinhardt
Mathematics Learning Specialist and Domain Leader