Sport and competition

Intermediate SMR Volleyball student report
The Intermediate volleyball team was lucky enough to compete in place of the year 10 MGSC team in Dandenong. It was a fun day competing against other schools from all around Melbourne. Even though we only won one set out of three different games we never gave up and enjoyed every minute spiking, digging and setting that ball. Thank you to our teachers for organising and volunteering their time to help us out on the day, it was well appreciated and we are very thankful for the opportunity to represent our school in front of extremely skilled teams.
Daisy Daniels and Olivia Ayyuce (student coaches)
AFL student report
Wednesday16 April was a fantastic day for the year 9s and year 10s (intermediate) MGSC football team. Bella, Maya and Caitlin coached the girls to a three game win meaning they were undefeated. They will be competing and moving up to the next round in July. It was a day filled with hard work every single player played an important role and helped towards our victory. Everyone put in 100% effort and it was a great day with a great outcome. Congratulations to all the girls.
Bella Sharp, Caitlin Hicks and Maya Buhl (Year 10 coaches)
Two year 7 teams progressed from the Round Robin stage to the regionals.
Year 7 Softball report
When we arrived at the softball grounds, we were greeted by the three other teams and the umpires. After a quick introduction of the new game rules we were straight into our first match. Our whole team was nervous about versing what appeared to be a strong, well-trained team. It was a very intense game and the hardest game we played all day! Unfortunately we lost the first game against Brighton Secondary College, however it just made us more determined than ever to do well in our next two games! When the next games started, we had more energy and power in us and we were willing to do anything to get the win. The whole time, the players on our team that were off, cheered and gave advice from the sidelines. We were working really well as a team and whenever we had achieved something amazing, we were all so supportive of each other and it really made us feel more like a team! At the end of the day our hard work had paid off and we were able to win the last two games!
Brighton SC went onto win all three of their games. MGSC came second and earned ourselves a ribbon! Even though we may not get to go to regionals, I think our whole team can agree that we worked really hard and that we got to know each other a lot better by the end of the day!
Saoirse Nic Giollafhearga 7G
Year 7 Tennis
On the 7 May, the Year 7 tennis team went to Dendy Park in Brighton to compete in the Southern Metro Region tennis tournament. The girls tried their bests but unfortunately didn’t make it through to the next round. The team played in two rounds, playing four singles and two doubles, against Cranbourne East Secondary College and Brighton Secondary College.
Congratulations to Dasha, Pippa, Sharon, Kemy, Lalita and Emelia for competing in both the division and regional round robing, we are so proud of you all! Thank you to Ms Gilbert, the coach, for being there for all the tryouts, training and division and thank you to Mr Demunk for taking us all to regions. Thank you to Ella Bennett, the other student coach, and the B team for contributing even though you couldn’t come to the Round Robins. We both loved coaching this magnificent team, and would say it was an amazing experience!
Holly Sweatman and Ketaki Chandrakumar - student coaches
Bread bag recycling rewards
Start collecting your bread bags. MGSC has registered and will be collecting bags towards sports equipment or we could win an exercise circuit made from recycled plastic. More details to come.
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator