From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



This week has been a busy one for everyone. With so many changes, challenges and unknowns to navigate we can all take a well earned break this weekend and reflect on what we have managed to master and complete over the last few days.


Our children are resilient, resourceful and very capable learners. Our parents continue to step into the learning space and take an active role in the remote learning program and the staff are constantly being asked to evolve and refine the learning program available to our families.


The many positive messages of support, thanks and acknowledgements from our families regarding the work undertaken to this point of the lockdown is indeed very heartening and encouraging. If you have any concerns regarding the provision of learning, access or requirements we ask you to please contact staff directly and not use the various chat spaces to voice your concerns. Come directly to us and work through the issues.


Well done to everyone for their work, patience and persistence. 


We have attached a workshop/webinar for parents on Sunday night. (June 6 at 8.30pm)

I have checked the TV guide and this is by far the best viewing on offer!


Sit down, enjoy our presenters Martin and Carley (who have worked with us before around cyber safety) as they share their insights into managing our current lockdown situation as a family, as a parent and with the welfare of our children in mind. 


Video invitation from Carley.


Details are listed below and the link to register is also attached.


Anyone who registers will also receive the replay link emailed to them shortly after the webinar.


Next weekend Monday June 14th is the public holiday long weekend to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday (her actual birthdate is April 21st) and children are not required at school.


Families who need to access devices to support home learning access for their children need to be in contact with the school via email.


Staff have prepared a new timetable with additional times for student meetings, small group learning opportunities and Specialists programs for all year levels. A timetable will be sent to you today that starts on Monday 7 June. Teachers have put a lot of work into creating an engaging learning timetable, please view this schedule as a guide.


We continue to work within the guidelines set by the Victorian Department of Education with our remote and flexible learning program. We are committed to providing daily learning, using a mixture of online and offline instruction, in whole class and small group settings that includes the following (as a minimum): 


For students in Prep to Year 2:


- Literacy activities: 60 minutes

- Numeracy activities: 45 minutes

- Inquiry, Specialists and wellbeing activities: 45 minutes


For students in Year 3 to Year 6: 


- Literacy activities: 60 minutes

- Numeracy activities: 45 minutes

- Inquiry, Specialists and wellbeing activities: 90 minutes


We know families are working from many different places, with different levels of expectation and with a range of different challenges to maintain work, businesses and family life. Do what you can, stay positive and become a role model for your children. They will react to any situation based on what they see and hear from the adults in their lives.


Victorian current Covid-19 restrictions - there are only 5 reasons to be out of home.


2021 Semester 1 Parent & Teacher Progress Conferences - These conferences are scheduled for Week 10, Monday 21st to Thursday 24th June via video conferencing.

Bookings for these conferences will open next Friday 11th June at 12pm and close Wednesday 16th June at 12pm (via Compass). 

A compass newsfeed will be sent next week once the bookings are open.

From Mme. Pommier,

French Director.


Chers parents et tuteurs,


Nous espérons que votre première semaine de continuité pédagogique à distance s’est bien déroulée. 


Pour la deuxième semaine, les professeurs ont préparé un emploi du temps riche avec de nombreuses sessions sur Zoom auxquelles vos enfants pourront se joindre. Les professeurs spécialistes (arts visuels, arts du spectacle, sport et français) offriront également des sessions en direct afin de maintenir la participation et la motivation des élèves.


Nous remercions toutes les familles qui ont déposé un dossier d’inscription pour le Programme français binational. Les résultats des inscriptions seront annoncés à la fin du trimestre.


Cette semaine, les membres de l’AAFEBS se sont réunis afin de préparer la conférence annuelle du mois d’octobre qui réunira tous les professeurs et directeurs des écoles françaises bilingues d’Australie. Cette année, c’est Melbourne qui accueillera les participants, en espérant que tous les membres pourront se retrouver au même endroit.


Bon weekend !




Dear parents and carers,


We hope that this first week of remote learning went well.


For the second week, our teachers have prepared a rich program with numerous Zoom sessions that your children will have the opportunity to attend.  Our specialist teachers (visual arts, performing arts, sport and LOTE) will also offer live sessions to maintain the students’ motivation and engagement.


We thank all families who have applied for the French Binational Program for next year, the first round of places will be offered at the end of this term.


This week, the AAFEBS (Australian Association of French-English Bilingual Schools) members have met virtually, to prepare the October annual conference, which will bring together all teachers and principals of French bilingual schools in Australia. This year, Melbourne has the pleasure of hosting the participants, let’s hope that we can all congregate in the same location.


Have a great weekend,


Caroline Pommier