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Book Fair
Last week we had another successful Book Fair. Thank you to everyone that made purchases at the stall. There were some fabulous costumes on Parade day, from both students and staff. It's great seeing the variety of costumes each year!
Pete the Sheep
The PP - Yr 2 students traveled to Merredin on Wednesday to view 'Pete the Sheep'. The students LOVED the play and found it funny! What a great experience for them all!
Wise Women's Showcase
On Wednesday 26th May, Caitlin Hogan and three of the female Year 8-10 students made a super early and chilly start to head to Perth. The students were invited to be a part of the Wise Women's Showcase at Murdoch University-Demystifying Careers in STEM and Entrepreneurship. The students listened to very interesting keynote speakers and were able to participate in some hands-on practical activities in the lab. This is an annual event and is very refreshing to see so many women looking towards careers in STEM.