Upcoming Dates to Remember

Friday 28th MayJunior Development Day in Bencubbin Yr 3-6
Wednesday 2nd JuneSpare Parts Puppet Theatre Incursion
Thursday 3rd JuneMDHS Whole School Cross Country 1-3pm @ Golf Club
Friday 4th JuneNO SCHOOL (SDD)
Monday 7th JuneNO SCHOOL (WA Day)
Friday 11th JuneDISA Cross Country (PP- Y6) in Trayning- arrive by 10am

Payment & Notes Schedule

Voluntary School FeesK-6$60.00 Due Now
Voluntary School Fees7-10$235.00 Due Now 
Spare Parts Puppet IncursionPP-10$6.50 NowDue Now
DISA Cross CountryPP-6N/ATues 1st JuneN/A

Please note that our only method of payment for incursions/excursions/school fees is now direct debit/online bank transfer.

Our bank details are:

Mukinbudin DHS 

BSB: 633-000   Acct: 141864017

If you are experiencing financial hardship and wish to go on a payment plan, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.