Student Interview with Max & Sam Year 5

Student Interview

Max 5C and Sam 5B

What Do You Love about School?

Max - I get to spend time with my friends and I get to have teachers that are nice or I know them out of school.


Sam - Getting to meet new people and seeing my friends.



What are you most Proud of?

Max - That I can make friends easily.

Sam - My ability to read well.


Who Is Your Hero?

Max - Stephen Curry because he seems like a nice person and I want to be like him when I am older.


Sam - LeBron James , an American Professional Basketball player.



Do You Play A Sport Or Have A Hobby?

Max -  I like to play basketball with my friends at school and in a team out of school.


Sam - I play basketball, footy and I love to read books.



What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Max - I want to be a Lawyer because it pays great money and I think it would be fun or a NBA player.


Sam - I would like to be a Lawyer.


What Is Something You Saw Recently That Made You Smile/be Happy.

Max - My dogs sleeping on my bean bag.


Sam - My dog when I come home from school.



If You Had 3 Wishes, What Would You Wish For?

Max -

1: I wish I was 7 1" - so I could block the tall kids in basketball.

2: I wish I was a quadrillion-air

3: I wish I was the best basketball player in the World.


Sam -

1: I wish for my family and dog to be happy.

2: To be a billionaire.

3: To end poverty.