Around the College 

Information and updates

Please take your gold coin to Homeroom with you, a SRC representative will be around to collect it.




Smile Squad is the Victorian Government's school dental program which will provide free dental care to all Victorian primary and secondary government school students.


Smile Squad are due to attend Rochester Secondary College early in Term 3.

These envelopes have been handed out to students, please complete and return to the College by last day of Term 2 (25th June).


If you have not received one check with your student/s or contact the College on       54841 844 to have one sent home.




Year 9 Camp Payment and Update


The final payment for the Year 9 camp of $100 will be due this Friday 11th June.

Please contact the office if you are unsure of your final balance. 


Please Note: If you would like to hire any of the Ski gear it will be at an extra cost of $74.00 - this will be $30.00 for cross country skiing and $44.00 for downhill skiing

or you can bring your own waterproof clothing at no extra cost.


Please return your note and/or payment to the general office by Thursday 24th June.






The next lesson will take place on Wednesday 16th June, this is due to the Queens Birthday Holiday and no school on Monday 14th June.


We request that the payment of $70 be paid before the end of Term 2.