P&F Association News

From the P&F President

This year the P&F have had change of focus. We are putting our energy into raising the school spirit instead of raising funds. While raising funds is still important we believe that we are in desperate need of getting some school spirit back into our school. Our school Motto “Serviam” meaning To Serve, this is what our aim is. We want to help those in our school community that need that extra hand. 


With this in mind we kept prices at the athletics carnival as low as we possibly could, the FREE Zooper Doopers were very well received by all the children (even when they didn’t get their preferred flavour). Just a small profit made to go towards the “care packages”.


The Pie Drive appears to have been very successful and again the P&F have made little money out of this. We wanted to make enough money to cover the cost for some “care packages”. We have also purchased some extra goodies to give to families who for one reason or another need a little extra help at the moment. 


The next big event we have coming up is the TRIVIA NIGHT! We are hosting a FREE trivia night. So please save the date for Saturday the 14th August. We will give more details in the coming newsletters. We are really hoping for as many people as possible to attend. Start getting your table together now!


We are also planning on putting together “care packages”. The idea is for the school executive to help us out with different items that different families may need. (We as the P&F don’t know who they go to, we just supply the goods).


There is also money still to be spent from previous years of fundraising so we are working out where to spend that money. IPads and Chrome books seem to be high on the list.

A huge thank you goes to all those who helped at the Athletics carnival. Whether you came for the day or popped in for an hour you all helped us have a successful day and for that we are very appreciative.


We would always love your help. Small or large we are keen to have you come along to our meetings and have some input. Come along and meet some new people and become involved with your school. We would LOVE to see you there!

P&F Pie and Lamington Drive

A big thank you to all our families who supported the P&F Pie and Lamington Drive. Delivery date for your delicious goodies is on Friday, 18 June.  Parent helpers to assist with package the orders for collection would be appreciated.  Helpers are required at 9.30am on Friday 18 June at the St Anne's Hall.  If you can help please let the ladies in the school office know. 


Class Parents

We need Class Parents. Class parents provide a really important role in our school. They help in making our school a more welcoming, friendly and social school. They also provide assistance to our P&F. Please read through the role of the class parents that was sent out on compass a couple of weeks ago and can also be found on the schools website. Please note that it is no longer a requirement of Class Parents to organise a stall for the Year group for the fete. If you think that you can help in this role please contact the ladies at the front office.