Classroom News - Year 6

Mr Garraud & Mrs Walters

A Picture Says a Thousand Words...

This past fortnight, it is fair to say your child has participated in, and achieved a plethora of learning experiences and projects that have been quite rewarding achievements to witness. Let's begin...


English - St Joseph's Cup

Wow! It was such a rewarding experience as teachers to witness, the "polished-and-theatrical" students, the "have-a-go-regardless" students, and the "shaking-at-the-knees" students present their chosen poem for the annual St Joseph's Cup competition. In Year 6 it was a requirement of the curriculum tasks but also served to meet the extracurricular opportunity offered by the school.

Maths - Self-reflection skills

We are working hard to build a culture of self-reflection in our learning environment. Students are well versed with one of our key learning questions "How are you going?" however we are asking the students to take it one step further and define this by mapping their understanding using a traffic light system. We are very pleased with the initial reception of this strategy and look forward to targeting specific student learning needs.


PS -  Special visitors are still a feature in Maths lessons, always making learning interesting while having a bit of fun too! A CSI Investigation was undertaken recently, with many students receiving promotions at the completion of their successful case analysis!

Drama - To Stay or to Leave

This was our assessment piece at the conclusion of our unit 'Energy of Nation', where we explored the issues and experiences of migrants, refugees, and people displaced. Moving, raw and insightful are some words that come to mind when defining their final action clips and freeze frames presented.

Religion - Keen Youtubers sharing our Faith

Keeping up with contemporary texts as 21st Century learners, the students were set an assessment task requiring them to make an 'unboxing video' on Confirmation. If you are not familiar, the unboxing phenomenon is where YouTubers record themselves opening a product of some sort live and proceed to explain and analyse the item/s they are unboxing. With a twist (and obviously not for publishing purposes), the students made their own 'Confirmation package' and a video of themselves 'unboxing' their items. 

The students have produced some high-quality items and insightful explanations about the sacrament of Confirmation.


Rocking Rain Days 

At St Mary's rain days do not stop us from living our best life!

An impromptu dance-off occurred recently due to rain preventing Year 5 & 6 from heading outdoors as usual. 


The Song: Wakka Wakka

The Judges: Not Bias

The Verdict: One point to Year 5...


The next battle for Year 6 to pursue a comeback: When it rains next!!

(Watch this space for pending results)