Classroom News - Year 2

Mrs Godwin and Mrs Spilsbury

Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to Year 2 for your participation and good behaviour at the Athletics Carnival. Mrs Spilsbury was very impressed with your participation in the 200m race. 


St Joseph's Cup

In the next few days, two poems will be sent home. Each student will be performing their choice of poem as part of speaking and listening for the St Joseph's Cup Public Speaking competition on Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th of June. 



In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about fractions and have started learning about time this week. In fractions, we were learning about halves, quarters and eighths using a collections of objects. In time, we are revising o'clock and half-past and we are learning about quarter-past and quarter-to.



Physical Education

This week in Physical Education, we had fun participating in our relays performing a variety of Fundamental Movement Skills. 




This week, we have started a new topic learning about how we use different materials to make different mixtures, solutions and objects.