Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a very busy week at ETRS as we work very closely with our students and families on the engagement of all. Thank you to families that have responded to our calls and efforts to communicate regularly with you. It takes all of us to provide our students with the opportunity to learn.
Remote Learning
As you are aware, today the announcement of our second Remote Learning 2021 time is upon us. This was announced by the Gov’t and Department of Education and Training (DET). Information was placed on Facebook, ClassDojo and a text message was sent to all families.
I understand that in an ever changing time we often hear things through the media first which may cause confusion, but we are required to wait for official advice from the DET.
Tomorrow is a PUPIL FREE DAY – No students required at school tomorrow.
Remote Learning will begin MONDAY 31 May.
School will be open for students of families whose parents/carers are working in an Essential Service/s or deemed vulnerable. Please refer to the DET Website for clarification.
There will be care and supervision provided for those students if they need to attend. If you need this service please complete the On-site Supervision Request Form and lodge by 1.00pm Friday 28 May. The form can be located at this link or access the form on ClassDojo and Facebook. Eligible families will be notified by the end of the day.
Hard Packs will be available for collection from the school, outside the office area / main entry from 8.30 am – 3.00 pm on MONDAY 31 May 2021. Hard Packs will be in classroom order and packages labelled with your child’s name. Please take your child’s package only.
Teachers will inform you of passwords to access online learning resources we are setting up for your child/ren and how we will maintain contact with you and your children throughout this time.
If you have recently updated your mobile number or email please contact the office ASAP so we have the most up to date contact number for families. The office will be available by phone for the remainder of the week. Please note, the gates and front door will be inaccessible during COVID 19 restrictions. There will be a door bell to alert staff of your arrival.
Please note: Our School Sports and special events will be postponed until further notice.
It is important that as a school community we stay as connected as possible and let our student’s know they are our number one priority!
I will keep families up to date with information as we receive it from DET.
Stay safe and we will see you on FRIDAY 04 June 2021.
We have had a number of students in P-6 become unwell at school. The students have presented with either cold like symptoms or gastro symptoms. If your child becomes unwell at school they will be sent home immediately.
If they present with gastro or cold like symptoms please support us in not spreading it to other students by keeping children home. We thank you in advance for keeping students who are unwell at home.
National Simultaneous Story Time 2021
Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. This is the 21st year of National Simultaneous Story Time. ETRS students celebrated the day by reading the “Give me some Space!” book from space. A special guest read the book to the students. We hope you enjoyed this story.
Attitudes to School Survey
In the next few weeks students in Years 4-6 will be completing the Attitudes to School survey in class. This survey is conducted annually in Term 2 and aims to collect data in relation to how our students are feeling about school and their learning.
A big congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN testing last week. All students should be proud of how they approached the testing schedule and we are confident that they all gave it their best shot.
Just a friendly reminder that all children who are travelling to school via bike or scooter are required by law to wear a helmet. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. Staff will phone home to communicate this need in the coming week for students who continue to ride a scooter or bike without a helmet. Safety of our students is paramount.
Years 3 and 5 students have completed NAPLAN this week. Recognition of student efforts must be highlighted here. All students in Year 3 and 5 approached this task with calmness and did their very best. Well done!
School Wide Positive Behaviour Update
This Week's Behaviour Focus
Our Value focus this week is Inclusion - I will be kind to others.
Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)
Enjoy the weekend.
Julie & Nat
Acting Principal & Acting Assistant Principal