This Week at Twin Rivers
Mother's Day Breakfast
This Week at Twin Rivers
Mother's Day Breakfast
Many apologies as the captions on the photos last week only appeared on Facebook but not the newsletter copies.
The caption read as follows:
Many thanks to Kiwanis Club who cooked the BBQ for the Mothers Day Breakfast.
Walk to School Day last Friday with Erin (Ms. Pensini), Justin (Mr. Minchin) and Nat (Mrs. Harvey).
House Cross Country with Djarring Red House the eventual winners. Chelsea McCraw and Blake Leighton who are Djarring's House Captains accepting the trophy.
The 3/4 students were lucky to have a visit from Uncle Rick on Thursday 20th May. They were exposed to artefacts and the history of the First People’s culture. Thank you to Uncle Rick for sharing your knowledge with us. We are all very grateful for your time.
Wednesday, 19th May was National Simultaneous Story Time Day. Across our school we listened to a real life astronaut read the story. Here are our 1&2 classes joining in while eating their morning snack.
National Reconciliation Week is celebrated across Australia each year, between 27 May to 3 June and commemorates significant milestones in the reconciliation journey.The week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation effort. #MoreThanAWord #NRW2021We will be hosting and participating in a range of activities over the coming weeks. Learn more by visiting