News from JLC

Maths and Literacy

Last week in Maths, JLC students have been learning about Multiplication. We have been using specific language such as repeated addition, arrays, rows, columns, times by, and groups of. 


We played a game called Fill My Tummy, where we had to roll a dice and place that many sticks of bamboo in the panda’s tummy. We then skip counted to find out the total amount of bamboo all the pandas had eaten. Students either wrote the repeated addition or the multiplication sentence for the Fill My Tummy problem.

During Writing lessons, students are learning how to write a Sizzling Start for a persuasive piece of writing. 


As a class, the children discussed why Sizzling Starts are a great way to start a writing piece. We decided that people will be engaged with what they are reading and will want to read on. 


Given the topic of “Nap Time Should Be Allowed At School”, Miss Wills showed students how to write a persuasive beginning which also needed to include whether she was for or against the topic. The children worked hard on their Sizzling Starts and below are some examples:


I sometimes feel like dozing off in the middle of….SNORE!! Oops! Now, where was I? Oh yes, I sometimes feel like dozing off in the middle of class. For that reason, I firmly believe that we should be allowed to nap at school.

By Sophie 


BANG!! My head hits the desk and I suddenly wake up. I am exhausted. I think that there should be some nap time at school.

By Thomas


Now, I agree that there should be nap time at school because teachers get tired of teaching. A lot! Also, kids should have nap time too because they have been running around like a horde of headless chickens!

By Charlie


AHHHH!! I just had a terrible dream, almost everyone is snoring their heads off but Teddy and Cynthia are awake. “What will we do, it’s Snoretopia in here,” I said. “Let’s go check on the others.” Everyone is asleep, we are the only ones awake. “Yay! Let’s do whatever we want, let’s go to the playground!” And that’s why we should have nap time at school. By Kate

Last week during Library, JLC students had the opportunity to read and look at the shortlisted books for the 2021 Children’s Book Council Awards. The students enjoyed listening to the story “Not Cute” By Philip Bunting. 

The story was about an adorable little quokka who didn’t like being cute and tried to make himself ferocious and scary like some other Australian native animals, such as the dingo, snake, and redback spider. This was a great opportunity for students to review their understanding of narratives by identifying the problem and resolution in the story.


Kind Regards


Miss Carly Wills and Signora Gina Michieli

JLC Classroom Teachers