Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

Invitation to Livestream Mass with Fr Robbie

Please join our Bondi community each Sunday at 10 am for mass at St Patrick's, live-streamed through the new Bondi Parish Facebook page. Remember to like and follow the page to stay updated with Parish news.



Spiritual Communion Prayer

How to make an act of spiritual communion.

1.Dress as you would for Mass.

2. Prepare your heart for an encounter with Jesus and pray quietly before an image of Jesus and a candle. Make a sign of the cross.

3. Read and pray the Mass readings from the bulletin.

4. Recite the Spiritual Communion Prayer

5. Remain silent for a moment with Jesus in your heart. 

Join our Prayer Campaign

Prayer can be tremendously powerful, not only in providing us with hope, but also as a way of surrendering our worries and fears to God, who hears them.  I invite you to gather each day as a family at 3 pm and pray 3 Hail Mary prayers for an end to the Pandemic.  The three Hail Mary prayers devotion was loved and used by many great saints including St Anthony of Padua, St Leonard, St Alphonsus Liguori, St Gertrude and even Servant of God Eileen O'Connor as told to me by Sister Mary Margaret,  of Our Lady's Nurses of the Poor in Coogee. 


Parent Resources:


Free Online Christian Meditation for Children.  

This is a wonderful thing to play for your child in the evening before bedtime to help them feel centered, loved and peaceful.



Holy Land Virtual Pilgrimage with 206 Tours

Get a guided tour through the Holy Land where Jesus walked with a guide from 206 Tours.




This is a great little video to walk you through the daily examen for children.  The examen prayer is a wonderful, Ignatian practice that nurtures mindfulness and peace.