Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

Welcome To Term 3

This term promises to be an exciting one once the current lockdown concludes, with a number of programs in place across the year levels, as well as some exciting opportunities for students representing the school in various sports. 


Boys and Girls Soccer

Congratulations to both our soccer teams who pulled off comprehensive victories in the District Grand Finals. Both teams now progress to the Division Play Off which is a really exciting opportunity and a chance for the school to see how far each of these teams can go.  At this stage the boy's play off has been scheduled to be played at Donath Reserve (Keon Park station end) at 10am on Friday July 30. Obviously there is no guarantee that this will go ahead on this date, but that is the hope at this stage. The girl's team have not been allocated a time yet, but it will be announced as soon as it comes to hand.


District Athletics

Last week saw the commencement of training for the District Athletics Carnival that is scheduled to be held on Friday August 27.  Jumps, throws and sprints/relay sessions were all held last week while the middle distance athletes unfortunately missed out due to the lockdown. Once the students come back on-site, the aim is to run one session of each per week to give everyone the best chance to perform at their optimum at the carnival. So far the level of engagement and enthusiasm from the students has been outstanding, which augurs well for the coming weeks. 




A big congratulations to Keira Sarris, who after trialling for the state soccer team has successfully made the squad. This means that Kiera will get the opportunity to travel to Sydney and represent Victoria at the National Championships in October. (All going well of course!)


Learning Structure For Term 3

This term Foundation students will engage in the PMP program. This is an opportunity to focus on the student's perceptual motor skills through a range of different activity stations each week.


The 1/2 level will be focusing on a unit of catching and throwing this term as they start to bed down their gross motor skills. The students will learn these skills through a range of games and drills using different objects such as balls and bean bags.


It is planned for the Year 3/4 students to undertake a gymnastics course run by an external coach over a five week period. Hopefully this will still go ahead, but may have to be delayed depending on restrictions. 


This term the Year 5/6 students are practicing the various skills involved in playing basketball. This will culminate in selected students representing the school in the Hooptime tournament on Tuesday September 7.