Year 5/6 News

Welcome Back to Term 3!
Last Term finished with a wonderful win in the Inter-school Sport Grand Final from our Girls and Boys Soccer Teams!
While the Term has begun with some unexpected challenges, students have returned with a happy demeanour and a readiness to learn! The children have pivoted remarkably into Home Online Learning this week.
Our focus this Term in PBL is on Business and Economics, supporting students to develop an understanding of how business organisations function, work together and thrive within the economic landscape. Students have begun exploring different business types (profit, not-for-profit, services, and goods) and will have the opportunity to explore ethical and sustainable businesses (particularly those on the ASX).
Students will then have the opportunity to explore different departments within businesses (and the importance of each of them) and develop a business idea which is executed later in the year.
We would love the opportunity to use the expertise of business experts within our community. If you are interested in supporting us in this, please fill out our Business Leaders survey (sent via Skoolbag) or reach out to your child's Homeroom Teacher.
In Wellbeing this Term, we will be focusing on adopting a 'Growth Mindset' approach to feedback and learning.
At Home Maths Activity
During many of our Parent-Teacher discussions this last week, we spoke to parents about the importance of their child continuing to practice their automatic recall of times tables facts. These are particularly important as we revise efficient multiplication and division strategies and as the problems children face become more complex.
We suggest the following order to learn times tables:
- twos, fours (built on from 2's), threes, fives and tens
- Sixes (built on from 5's), sevens, eights, and nines facts
It is important that children develop the concept of multiplication, seeing the connection between repeated addition, arrays (to model multiplication facts), and then the vertical recording.
Some ways which may support your child to learn their times tables facts:
- practicing by writing them down
- automatically recalling them (a great idea while travelling in the car!)
- learning through songs
- multiplication charts (in the bedroom/bathroom etc)
- Sunset Maths
- i-pad apps
Important Dates
Remaining Parent Teacher Interviews-TBA
Whole School Assembly-TBA
Learning Intentions
Week 3 & 4
During our period of remote learning, we kindly ask you to support your child in remaining organised and on time for all clinics. All daily timetables will be posted on Google Classrooms at 8 am. The timetables also include a weekly overview of clinics. It is important your child has reviewed and documented their Writing and Maths clinics in a handy spot. We recommend the continued use of their school diary to support good organisational habits.
We will continue to offer a 'Support Zoom' each day if your child needs further clarification or support.
Staff Contacts
5/6J - Emily Jamieson
5/6K - Maxwell Allan
5/6SV - Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
*We kindly ask that all emails in 5/6SV are addressed to both Emma & Matt.
5/6 Support - Shane Giese
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.